Resource Limits

A Pickle individual or couple must be within the MC resource limit on the first of the month; if a person is not eligible on the first, he/she is not eligible for the entire month.

Determining Value of a Resource

Equity value, the current market value less encumbrances, must be used when determining the value of a resource.

Resource Limits for Couples

Both Spouses Potentially Pickle Eligible

  1. Use the resource limit for two individuals, and
  2. Count the community and separate resources of both individuals.

Ineligible Spouse, Income Deemed

  1. Use the resource limit for two individuals, and
  2. Count the community and separate resources of both individuals.

Ineligible Spouse, Income Not Deemed

  1. Count the separate property of the potentially Pickle eligible spouse, and
  2. Count all of the couple's community property, and
  3. Use the resource limit for one person.
  4. Do not count the separate property of the ineligible spouse. It is the applicant's responsibility to prove separate property.

SSI Treatment of Resources

SSI resource rules and regulations are used when establishing Pickle eligibility.

Resource     Treatment     Required Verification


Note: Does not include RVs. 

Treat vehicles as follows:

  • One vehicle must be excluded regardless of its use or value.
  • A second vehicle must be excluded if CMV is $4,500 or less. Any amount in excess of $4,500 must be included as a resource.
  • A third or other vehicle must be included as a resource using equity value.
    • Note: A vehicle may be exempt if determined to be Property Essential to Self-Support. 
Determine value using low or wholesale Blue Book amounts.
Burial Contracts, if issued by a funeral director/mortuary.  Exclude up to $1,800 if irrevocable Verify same as Medi-Cal. View copy of contract.
Burial Trusts

Exclude up to $1,800 if irrevocable.

Note: A burial trust does not include a contract with a funeral director or mortuary.

Verify same as Medi-Cal. View copy of trust agreement.
Separately Identifiable Funds for Burial 

If not specified as irrevocable, exclude up to
$1,500. If funds are commingled with other resources the burial fund exclusion does not apply.

If funds are used for another purpose, the amount used must be counted as liquid resource in the month following the month in which the funds were expended.

Note: $1,500 limit is reduced by the amount(s) applicant/client has in:    

  • Face value of life insurance if CSV is excluded, and/or
  • Amount of any irrevocable burial trust/contract that would cause the total burial funds to exceed $1,800. 

Existing or Newly Acquired Accounts:

The funds must be clearly designated as set aside for burial. If not designated on account, but are separately identifiable and client states funds are intended for burial, obtain signed statement. Funds may be excluded the first day of the month in which statement is signed if designation on account is completed within 30 days of the statement.

Burial Insurance Exclude if can be used exclusively to pay burial expenses. If policy has no CSV, count the same as life insurance.  Verify same as Medi-Cal View Policy.
Burial Plots, Vaults, Crypts   Excluded if for immediate family member.   Applicant/client statement.
Cash, Checking, Savings, Credit Union Accounts

Counted. (SSA & SSI Lump Sums not counted for six months.)

If applicant or responsible relative has unrestricted access to the funds in a joint checking account, all of the funds in the account are presumed to be the resources of the applicant. This presumption may be rebutted. 

Applicant's/client's statement if total countable resources are $1,000 or less and not more than $500 of that amount is liquid resource. Otherwise, verify same as Medi-Cal.
Contract of Sale, Notes, Mortgages, Trust Deeds, and Loans  Counted, if negotiable. Use amount of outstanding principal balance or the discounted amount.   View document(s). Negotiability and value must be verified by a bank, real estate broker, or other financial institution.
Home (Principal Residence) 

The dwelling plus any appertaining buildings and land used as a home by the applicant/client and his/her spouse or the parents with whom an eligible child is living does not count as a resource.

  • PR remains exempt so long as the applicant/client intends to return home.
  • Only one PR may be exempt at any time.  
None if applicant/client resides in PR. If questionable that land appertains to PR, verify with tax statement, assessor's office, deed, title, etc.
(Proceeds from the sale of an excluded principal residence.)  Excluded if used or obligated to be used to purchase another excluded home within the last day of the third full month following the month of receipt. If the home is not replaced within this time period the proceeds are counted as a resource beginning the month following the month of receipt. This exclusion does not apply to interest earned on the proceeds of the sale. Applicant's/client's statement and copy of contract of sale. Statement from real estate broker or officer in lending institution.
Household Goods and Personal Effects (i.e., furniture, applicances, electronic equipment, clothing, jewelry)

Excluded regardless of value.

Note: Items acquired or held due to their value or as an investment are not considered household goods or personal effects for purposes of this exclusion.  

Income Tax Refund

Counted as a resource the first day of the month following the month of receipt.

Note: Excluded as income in the month of receipt.

 Copy of tax return.
Items of unusual value: (e.g., china, silver, antiques, heirlooms, etc. ) Excluded N/A
Keough, IRA, Pension Accounts, Time Deposits  Counted. Deduct penalty for early withdrawal. If verified that funds cannot under any circumstances be withdrawn, the funds are excluded until maturity.  Examine time deposit certificate or statement from financial institution.
Keough, IRA, Pension Accounts of a Pickle Ineligible Parent Exclude from potentially eligible Pickle child.  None.
Life Insurance Exclude if total face value (FV) of all insurance policies on any person do not exceed $1,500 (do not count term insurance). If total FV is over $1,500, count all cash surrender value(CSV) of all policies.  Verify same as Medi-Cal.
(Proceeds of a Life Insurance Policy and Other Death Benefits.) 

Exclude if applicant/client is both the client and the owner of the policy and the policy has previously been excluded as a resource.

Counted if applicant/client is both the client and the owner of the policy and the CSV of the policy has not previously been excluded as resource.

Note: If applicant/client is not the owner of the policy, the proceeds are treated as unearned income. 

Verify same as Medi-Cal.
Life Estate Counted unless PR. Value determined by Life Estate and Remainder Interest Tables. If power to dispose of property is retained or life estate is revocable use CMV.  View life estate document. If joint ownership, divide CMV by number of owners.
Livestock and Poultry  Exempt if for personal use. Applicant/client statement.
Loans which Require Repayment  Counted, if retained more than 30 days from date of receipt. Exempt the first 30 days.  Verify same as Medi-Cal.
Major Disaster Assistance  If excluded from income, also exclude nine months from date of receipt as a resource. Possible nine month extension.  Must not be commingled with other resources. If person is applicant, allow 30 days to establish separately identifiable account for these funds. Accept applicant's/ client's statement re: source of funds.
Nonrecurring Lump Sum   Counted. SSI/SSP and RSDI retro active payments are excluded for six months following the month of receipt.  Applicant's/client' statement.
Property (Real or Personal Essential to Self-Support) 

Excluded if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Used in a trade or business or is otherwise producing income: and
  2. Equity value does not exceed $6,000; and
  3. The activity is producing a net annual return of 6% of the excludable equity value.

Exception: $6,000/six percent limits do not apply to property that represents governmental authority to engage in an income producing activity (i.e., commercial fishing permit, liquor license). 

CMV must be verified by:

  1. Most recent tax assessment.
  2. Signed, dated estimate from a knowledgeable source. Legal description or address of property must be included.
    1. Income tax return; Schedule C, E, F, or SE, or Form 1065.
Recreational Items and Vehicles (boats, campers, motor homes, trailers, etc).  Count as household goods and personal effects, unless used as principal residence or as the only mode of transportation.   Applicants/client's statement and records.
Retirement Funds Counted, if available for lump sum withdrawal (i.e., not as monthly payment).   Statement from retirement fund or financial institution.
Royalties and Mineral Rights.  Excluded if equity value is $6,000 or less and is producing a net annual return of six percent of excludable equity value or if they cannot be sold.   Tax assessed value from brokerage firm, holding company, etc.
Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds Counted. Use the closing price on the date eligibility determination is being completed.   Verify same as Medi-Cal.
Trust Funds (Includes Court Ordered Trusts)  Excluded if access to principal is restricted (e.g., only the trustee or court, etc. has access) even if providing income. Interest is counted as unearned income unless it is reinvested in the trust.  Review trust document. Petitioning the court to break the trust is not required.
U.S. Savings Bonds  Counted on the earliest date that it can be cashed.  Verify same as Medi-Cal.

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