Treatment of Income for Pickle

SSI Methodology is used when determining Pickle eligibility.

  1. Always use the individual's gross RSDI benefit amount when completing a Pickle budget.
  2. There is no income deduction given for a health insurance premium.
  3. The amount of income must not be averaged. Use the actual income received during the month in which the Pickle eligibility is being determined. Example: Mr. Jones is paid $200 weekly on Fridays. In the month his Pickle eligibility was evaluated, there were five Fridays. Enter his income as $1,000. Do not use the 4.33 multiplier.

Note: Income received quarterly, twice a year, or annually is to be counted in the month of receipt and not averaged on an annual basis, except for net earnings from self-employment.

Earned Income

The treatment of income for Pickle is similar to the treatment of income for Non-MAGI MC.

Treatment of Income

Type of Income  Treatment     Required Verification
Child support payment received directly by or for the Pickle child.   Counted, however, one-third of the total is not counted.   Court records, canceled checks or D.A. records.

ISM provided to an individual or couple (includes farm laborer and domestics*) 

*Determine living arrangement prior to counting ISM.  

Unearned In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) values from chart.  Required only if in-kind value is rebutted. Receipts for actual shelter costs and statement/receipts for food.
Money received for providing foster care to a “Pickle” ineligible child  Counted if not a formal placement. (See Excluded Income if formal placement.)  Statement from placement agency or Notice of Action indicating placement and amount of payment.
Foster care funds received for a “Pickle” ineligible child. Excluded if formal placement. See Unearned Income, if informal placement. Statement from placement agency or Notice of Action indicating placement and amount of payment.
IHSS Payments 

Excluded if paid to:

  • A Pickle eligible individual, or
  • A Pickle ineligible spouse, parent, or child. 
Statement from agency providing payments.

Related Topics

Pickle Amendment - Lynch v. Rank

Manual Pickle Eligibility Determination Process