MFBU Determination

Adults in LTC

LTC Person with a Community Spouse

Beginning with the month of admission:

  • The institutionalized spouse and Community Spouse are in separate budget units
  • The institutionalized spouse can provide the Community Spouse with an income allocation.
  • The Maintenance Need for the LTC spouse is $35 (personal needs allowance)
  • The budgets for the Institutionalized Spouse and Community Spouse are revised at the beginning of the Continuous Period of Institutionalization.

Note: The SOC must not be increased unless a 10-day NOA is issued, even though an allocation to the Community Spouse has been given.

LTC Couple

Beginning the month after the month of admission:

  • Married individuals in the same medical facility or sharing the same room in LTC, must have their eligibility and SOC determined as two separate MFBUs.

Single LTC Individual

Beginning the month after the month of admission:

  • A single Non-MAGI LTC individual is in his/her own separate MFBU when they have LTC Status.
  • The Maintenance Need for the LTC individual is $35 (personal needs allowance).

Medically Indigent Adults in LTC

Beginning the day of admission:

  • A single MI individual is in his/her own separate MFBU.
  • If the MI individual is married with children, cash aid linkage should be explored, as long as the individual plans to return to the home within the month of admission or the month following the month of admission.
  • If the MI individual is married with children but plans to stay past the month after the month of admission, the MI individual is in his/her own MFBU.
  • The Community Spouse at home is entitled to the CSRA and the spousal income allocation if all criteria are met.

Children in LTC

Children Determined to be Blind/Disabled

Beginning the month after the month of admission:

  • A blind or disabled child is in his/her own MFBU.
  • Only the child's separate and available property/income may be used to determine eligibility and SOC.

Children NOT Determined to be Blind/Disabled

Beginning the month after the month of admission:

  • A child who is not blind or disabled must be included in the parent’s and/or sibling’s MFBU unless the child was not living with his/her parents immediately prior to entering LTC.
  • A DDSD and SSA disability referral must be initiated.

Note: Explore the Waiver Programs when the parents’ income and property are over the limits.

Disabled Newborns

Beginning with the month of birth:

  • A disabled or a presumptively disabled premature newborn who is born in a facility and remains an inpatient for the remainder of the month is in his/her own MFBU beginning with the month of birth, rather than in the following month.


Beginning the month after the month of admission:

  • A child who is a ward of the court, or a child who is the responsibility of a public agency due to a voluntary placement by a parent or guardian, and who is a patient in a medical facility, is in his/her own MFBU.

Related Topics

Long Term Care (LTC)

Long Term Care Status