Notification of Admittance to LTC Facility

The “Medi-Cal Long-Term Care Facility Admission and Discharge Notification” (MC 171) is used to notify SSA and Social Services of SSI and MC recipients who enter or leave a LTC facility.

Procedures for Continuing Client Admitted to LTC

When a Continuing EW outside of the LTC unit is notified that their client has been admitted to a nursing facility, the following steps must be taken.

  1. The assigned EW must confirm that the client is not eligible for MAGI.
    1. Note: If the client is eligible to MAGI, the case stays with the continuing EW.

  2. Confirm that the client is currently residing at the facility and will continue to be there for at least 30 days. This can be verified by the MC 171 (provided by the LTC facility) or a call to the facility.
  3. If the individual is no longer residing in the LTC facility or is expected to be discharged to home within 30 days, the case will remain in assigned non-LTC MC unit with no change to the current MC aid code.
  4. Discontinue CalFresh or other programs for the soonest month with proper 10-day notice.
  5. When steps 1-4 are complete, notify his/her Supervisor who will forward the referral to the LTC Supervisor.
  6. The LTC unit Supervisor will review the case, determine if LTC MC eligibility applies and assign the case to be updated appropriately.

Note: If the client is on SSI/QMB, the EW must update the address in CalSAWS. All other required action will be completed by SSA. SSA reduces the client’s SSI/SSP to $50 and retains the SSI aid code in MEDS.

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Long Term Care (LTC)

LTC Facilities