Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A covers:

  • Inpatient hospital care
  • Inpatient care in a skilled nursing facility for a limited number of days
  • Hospice Services

Note: Part A, hospital insurance does not cover physician's services, even when they are received in a hospital.

Individuals eligible for Medicare Part A include:

  • An individual age 65 or older who is eligible for RSDI or a Railroad Retirement annuity.
  • An individual age 65 or older and ineligible for RSDI or Railroad Retirement benefits who is:
    • A U.S. Resident, and
    • A U.S. Citizen; or, a Non-citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence with 5 years of continuous residence.
  • Deemed insured, as determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
  • An individual under age 65 eligible for disability based RSDI or Railroad Retirement benefits, and who has received such benefits for at least 24 consecutive months.
  • An individual, any age, with end-stage renal disease requiring either a kidney transplant or dialysis. The individual must be one of the following:
    • Currently receiving RSDI, or
    • Railroad Retirement benefits, or
    • Fully or currently insured, or
    • The spouse or dependent child of an insured person.


Medicare Part A is available to eligible individuals at no cost. An individual who does not qualify for free Part A can purchase Part A coverage through payment of a monthly premium if he/she meets all of the following conditions:

  • Age 65 and older, and
  • A U.S. Resident, and
  • A U.S. Citizen; or a noncitizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence with 5 years of continuous residence, and
  • Enrolled in Part B. Individuals who purchase Part A must purchase Part B.
    • Note: A person does not have to be retired to get Medicare.

  • Medi-Cal (MC) pays the Part A premium for those individuals eligible for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) Program or the Qualified Disabled Working Individual (QDWI) Program, if they do not already qualify for free Part A.

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