Buy-In Screen, Alerts and Messages

MEDS [INQB] Screen

The INQB [Buy-In and Bendex Information] screen is available through the MEDS system to help EWs determine the Buy-In status of MC recipients.

The code in the [STATUS] field on the [INQB] MEDS screen indicates the Buy-In status: accretion pending (i.e. 61), accretion accepted (i.e. 1161), accretion rejected (i.e. 2100).

Buy-In Alerts/Messages

The EW is responsible for correcting Buy-In and/or Medicare coding problems. Medicare Buy-In alert messages are sent to the EW advising of any potential Buy-In problems. Messages are generated only for currently active recipients.

Upon receipt of a Buy-In alert, EWs must review the Buy-In information on the INQB screen.

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