Federal Poverty Level and Property Waiver Programs
100%/133%/ 200% Income Disregard
If an MBU has a share of cost after a Sneede income determination is completed, then eligibility for the special Federal Poverty Level Programs must be completed whenever the MBU includes:
- A pregnant individual, or
- A child under age 6, or
- A child age 6-18.
The process used to determine 100%/133%/200% Income Disregard eligibility for Sneede households is different because the income of individuals who are not financially responsible cannot be used.
The determination is done by CalSAWS, however, the MC 175-5, “Sneede v Kizer Federal Poverty Level Programs...” worksheet can be used to manually compute the budget.
Family Size
The “family size” for the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) equals the total number of individuals in the MFBU.
Only the income of the poverty level person and his/her spouse or parent(s) is compared to the FPL level according to household size.
Use the full net nonexempt income (not the allocated amounts) of:
- The pregnant woman or the child, and
- His/her responsible relatives.
Note: Add back the health insurance premium if already deducted and do not allow ABD-MN deductions.
If there is excess property, only the property of the poverty level person and his/her spouse or parent(s) is used. If the MBU has excess property of property information is not provided/verified, children under 19 must be evaluated under Property Waiver Program rules.
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