Income and Property Allocations, General

General Allocation Rule

Net nonexempt property and income can only be allocated in one direction.

Property Allocation Rule

The net nonexempt property of a spouse or parent must be equally divided within the MFBU among one’s:

  • Self
  • Spouse
  • Natural/adoptive child(ren)

Note: The allocation is not reduced by the amount of the spouse’s or child’s own property.

Income Allocation Rule

The net nonexempt income of a spouse or parent (less a $600 income deduction for his/her needs) must be equally divided within the MFBU among one’s:

  • Spouse
  • Natural/adoptive child(ren)

Note: The income allocation from a parent to themselves was eliminated by the Gamma v Belshe court decision in 11/95. (Each parent is allowed a $600.00 income deduction for his/her needs prior to equally allocating income to their spouse and/or children.)

Property and Income

Eligible, ineligible, and excluded family members receive an equal allocation of property/income.

Allocations Not Allowed

The following rules explain when property and income allocations cannot be allowed.

  • A child’s own separate property/income cannot be allocated to his/her parent(s) or siblings.
  • If parents are unmarried, they cannot allocate property/income to each other.
  • There is never an allocation from anyone other than a spouse or a natural/adoptive parent. Example Example A non-parent caretaker relative is in the MFBU. If Sneede applies, the caretaker relative’s property/income is never allocated to the child(ren), as s/he is not financially responsible for them. 
  • Never allocate to an unborn.
  • A parent may not allocate income to him/herself as revised by Gamma v. Belshe in 11/95, but is allowed a $600 income deduction for his/her needs prior to equally allocating income to his/her spouse and/or child(ren).

Allocation Example

An MFBU of 5 with a share of cost includes the following persons:

Father, mother, their mutual child, their unborn, and mother’s separate child.




Others for Whom Each Parent / Spouse is Responsible

Spouse (Mom)

Spouse (Dad)

Mutual Child

Mutual Child

2 persons

Separate Child 3 persons

  • Father’s income (less a $600 income deduction for his needs) is divided by 2, and equally allocated to mother, and their mutual child.
  • Mother’s income (less a $600 income deduction for her needs) is divided by 3 and equally allocated to her husband, their mutual child, and to her separate child.
  • The unborn does not receive an allocation from either parent. However, the unborn will later be included in the Mini Budget Unit which includes the mother.

Property/Income are Separate

Sneede property and income allocations are independent of each other.

  • Apply property allocation rules only when the MFBU has excess property.
  • Apply income allocation rules only when an MFBU has a share of cost.
  • Do not apply allocations to both property and income unless the MFBU first has excess property, and then has a share of cost.

Treatment of Children

The following chart summarizes the treatment of children in a Sneede case.

Sneede Children

Receive Income/Property Allocation from Parent(s)

Included in Maintenance Need and Property Limit

Link Other Family Members in MFBU



*Yes, include in mother’s MBU


Eligible Children




Ineligible Children


Yes, if in the same MBU


Excluded Children




*An unborn may be included in its father’s MFBU/MBU if the mother is PA/Other PA; for example, she is receiving AFDC or SSI.

Related Topics

Sneede v Kizer

Income Determination

Property Determination