Sneede Budget Examples
Stepparent Household with Pregnant Woman
A married couple, Donald and Alice, are applying for Medi-Cal. Alice is pregnant, and she has a separate child, Nancy, age 4. Together they have a SOC:
Donald ($2,300 gross earnings - $90 WRE) = |
$2,210.00 |
Alice (UIB $183 x 2.167) = |
396.56 |
Nancy (child support $175 - $50) = |
125.00 |
Total |
$2,731.56 |
rounded |
$2,732.00 |
– Maintenance Need (4) |
1,100.00 |
$1,632.00 |
Unmarried Couple, Mutual Child, Separate Children, and Excluded Child
Robert and Lois, an unmarried couple are applying for Medi-Cal. They have a mutual child, Bonnie, age 2. Lois also has a separate child, Janet, age 4, who receives $150/month child support. Robert has a son, Stanley, age 17, who is not in school and is employed part time. Robert chooses to exclude
Stanley, and he does not want to provide verification of Stanley's income. The MFBU has a SOC, so Sneede rules apply.
Robert, $330 UIB every 2 weeks
Lois, $1,250 monthly gross earnings
Janet, $150/month child support
Note: This example illustrates why, when applicable, separate Income Disregard Program determinations must be completed for each person.
Other Caretaker Relative in MFBU
Cheryl (age 10) and Cindy (age 12) are residing with their grandmother, Wanda, age 59. Wanda is applying for Medi-Cal for the children and wishes to be included in the MFBU. Wanda is employed part time and receive $900 gross per month, but has no medical coverage. She also receives a $260 gross monthly retirement pension. The absent father contributes $400 per month child support. Wanda has no spouse, nor children of her own in the home.
Together they have a SOC, so Sneede rules apply.
$810.00 |
net earnings ($900 - $90 WRE) |
260.00 |
pension |
350.00 |
net child support ($400 - $50) |
$1,420.00 |
Net Nonexempt Income |
–934.00 |
Maintenance Need |
$486.00 |
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