Optional Targeted Low-Income Children’s Program
This coverage group is the Optional Targeted Low-Income Children’s Program (OTLICP).
OTLICP increased income eligibility for children zero to 19 years of age to 266% of the FPL with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The OTLIC program under ACA is considered Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) MC.
Who is Eligible
OTLICP provides full scope Medi-Cal to certain otherwise eligible children ages zero through age 19. To qualify under this program, the net non-exempt family income must be at or below 266% of the FPL.
Application for the OTLICP
OTLICP does not require a separate application. Eligibility for this program is determined as part of the MC application. OTLICP aid codes cannot be granted before January 1, 2014.
Scope of Benefits
OTLICP provides no Share of Cost (SOC) Medi-Cal (MC), for individuals and families with income between 160% FPL up to 266% FPL.
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