Issuance Procedures

Paper Benefits Identification Card

The Minor Consent BIC is a paper BIC. It is for identification purposes only and does not indicate Minor Consent eligibility.

The paper BIC shows an ISSUE DATE and a GOOD THRU date. The GOOD THRU date will be 365 days from the issuance date. This means the BIC is valid as an identification card only for one year.

These dates may be misleading for Minor Consent recipients and providers. Some may interpret the ISSUE and GOOD THRU dates to mean period of Minor Consent eligibility.

Minor Consent cards are certified for one month at a time. EWs must explain the requirement to reapply each month that additional Minor Consent services are needed. Minor Consent will show a one month closed period of eligibility on MEDS.

Approvals in CalSAWS

Minor Consent cases are established in CalSAWS; however, the actual issuance of the Minor Consent services is completed through a MEDS online transaction.

On monthly reapplications, do not complete Application Registration on another application.

MEDS Online Procedures

To assure confidentiality of Minor Consent cases, Minor Consent benefits must be activated online each month. As a result, a Minor Consent case cannot be approved ongoing MEDS eligibility.

  • If the minor has a SOC, the Medi-Cal provider will enter the obligation to the SOC database. If a provider cannot or will not do so, the EW must submit a request [MEDS SOCO] to the MTO to reduce the SOC.
  • To protect the confidentiality of minor applicants, SSNs MUST NOT be entered in CalSAWS or MEDS. This is to prevent the linking of limited services and regular Medi-Cal records. The MEDS record will show a pseudo number as the MEDS ID.
  • The EW MUST NOT enter a home address. Use the district office's address instead.
  • Do NOT create Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) referrals.

Benefits Identification Card Mail Procedures

The MC 4026 provides applicants with the option of having their Minor Consent paper BIC sent to a mailing address.

A Minor Consent paper BIC and NOA are mailed only when the client makes the request on the MC 4026. Minors applying for mental health services (which do not require an MC 4026) who want their BIC or NOA mailed must make the request in writing. Scan the written request into IDM.


EWs must follow the procedures below when the minor indicates that he/she wants the BIC mailed:

Minor Consent BIC Mail Procedures

Follow these steps:

  1. Discuss confidentiality and confirm with the minor that he/she wants the BIC mailed to the address indicated on the MC 4026.
  2. Enter the district office address as the home address and mailing address in CalSAWS.
  3. Complete an SCD 1296 to the CST with instructions to return the paper BIC to the EW.
  4. Manually mail the paper BIC to the address indicated on the MC 4026.
  5. Manually mail the NOAs to the address indicated on the MC 4026, if not previously hand-issued to the client.

Related Topics

Minor Consent

Application Requirements