Mental Health Applicants


A child who applies for Minor Consent due to outpatient mental health care is NOT required to complete an MC 4026 at application or reapplication. However, an SCD 558 or other acceptable mental health needs statement and a paper MC210 or a printed and signed SOF are required.

An application for Minor Consent, mental health services, must be processed as follows:

  • If a child refuses to complete or sign the SCD 558, or provide a statement of need for mental health care, then the EW must deny the application.
  • If a child is NOT competent to complete or sign the SCD 558, or provide the mental health statement, then the EW must deny the application for mental health services. However, the child may still be eligible for other Minor Consent services.

Mental Health Statement

Minors requesting outpatient mental health treatment and counseling must provide a statement from a mental health professional which states the:

  • Child needs mental health treatment or counseling,
  • Estimated length of time treatment will be needed, and
  • Child is mature enough to participate intelligently in the mental health treatment or counseling.

Below is a list of mental health professionals who can provide the mental health statement: 

  • Licensed marriage, family or child counselor
  • Licensed educational psychologist
  • Credentialed school psychologist
  • Clinical psychologist
  • Licensed psychologist
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
  • Psychiatrist

Note: The minor may contact the Santa Clara County Mental Health Department to request an SCD 558.

Central Wellness & Benefits Center 2221 Enborg Lane
San Jose, CA 95128 
Phone: (800) 704 - 0900 or (408) 885 - 6220

EWs may give applicants the SCD 558 to be completed by the mental health professional in order to meet the above requirement. A new SCD 558 or other acceptable mental health statement must be submitted each month to re-approve Minor Consent in the following month.


Once determined eligible for Minor Consent outpatient mental health services, the child is certified for one month at a time. If an ongoing need exists, the child must reapply each month and provide the EW with a new mental health statement or SCD 558, and eligibility will be redetermined.

Minors receiving outpatient mental health services may also need other types of Minor Consent benefits. Aid code 7P provides for mental health services as well as sexual assault, drug/alcohol abuse, family planning, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Mental Health Treatment Limitations

Currently there is no limitation on the mental health services that a Minor Consent client can receive. Minor Consent is a state-funded program that provides confidential mental health services to eligible minors.

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Application Requirements
