Authorized Representative
Authorized Representative During Incarceration
While an individual is incarcerated, the EW may only communicate with the AR listed on the SSApp and the cover letter. If, for any reason, the individual listed as AR on the SSApp and cover letter must be changed (i.e. turn over), a new AR form from page 15 in the SSApp is required. While in custody, the inmate authorizes the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Transitional Case Management Program (TCMP) benefit workers to be their AR for purposes of assisting them in filling out the MC application and submitting the application.
The AR is valid until the client cancels or requests a change in AR designation.
Responsibility WHILE Inmate is INCARCERATED
TCMP (listed on the pre-release cover letter and the SSApp) |
Eligibility Worker |
Authorized Representative After Release
The Authorization of Release of Information CDCR 7385-A form is submitted with the pre-release MC application to identify the individuals and entities who may request information both pre- and
post-release. These forms also identify the type of information that may be released, why the information is being requested and when the authorization expires.
Responsibility AFTER the Inmate is RELEASED
Who |
Action |
TCMP (listed on the pre-release cover letter and the SSApp) |
CDCR Parole Staff (listed on the CDCR 7385-A):
Eligibility Worker |
Cancellation of the Authorized Representative
Submission of a new AR form implies that the previous AR is canceled. The EW must take appropriate action in CalSAWS to end the previous AR. Page two of the CDCR 7385-A identifies the specific date the client is canceling the AR. The agreement generally allows up to one year, for CDCR to provide continued assistance with MC coverage.
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Juveniles in Public Institutions
Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program (MCIEP)
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