Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program (MCIEP)
The Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program (MCIEP) allows California to claim Federal Financial Participation Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program (MCIEP) funding when an inmate receives inpatient hospital services for more than 24 hours off the grounds of the correctional facility if the inmate is otherwise eligible for MC.
Assembly Bill (AB) 1628 and Senate Bill (SB) 92 authorize the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to work together to provide eligible inmates with MC benefits limited to inpatient hospital services off the grounds of the correctional facility for a minimum of 24 hours. The California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) staff complete MC applications on behalf of the state inmate population for CDCR and submit to DHCS for processing. MC can be suspended for up to one year for incarcerated individuals (regardless of age) who are already on MC when they become incarcerated. DHCS began accepting and processing MC applications for adult inmates in a state prison in collaboration with CCHCS on April 1, 2011. Although the MC eligibility determinations are conducted by DHCS, counties have certain roles and responsibilities.
County MCIEP
Per AB720 the county can act on behalf of county inmates and help county inmates apply for health care coverage. The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department (SD) staff complete MC applications on behalf of the Santa Clara County inmates and submit to Santa Clara County Social Services Agency (SSA) for processing. The county where the inmate is incarcerated is responsible for processing the county inmate MCIEP application and maintenance of case. If the county receiving the MCIEP application is not the inmate’s county of incarceration, the application and all received document must be forwarded to the county of incarceration within fifteen (15) days from the application received date for initial eligibility determination and follow-up. If the inmate claims to be disabled, a disability application packet is part of the MC application process. Applicants determined eligible for MC will have eligibility in the Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System (MEDS). However, inmates eligible for MCIEP will not receive a BIC. Additionally, SSA began accepting and processing MC applications for adult inmates in the county jail in collaboration with SD on November 1, 2015.
Note: Inmates who are active in an MCIEP aid code and are scheduled to be released may apply for MC. MC applications received for an inmate currently receiving MCIEP who is scheduled to be released or recently released should be considered a change of circumstance and treated as an AB720 Pre-Release application.
Eligibility Requirements
Applications for inmates are submitted by CCHCS to DHCS for state inmates or by SD to SSA for county inmates. DHCS or SSA reviews the MC application, completes the eligibility determination for MC, performs the MC redetermination, and maintains the case record for the inmate population.
In accordance with federal guidelines, an inmate must meet ALL of the following criteria to be eligible for MCIEP:
- Be an inmate of a California State prison or a California County Jail,
- Receive inpatient hospital services off the grounds of the correctional facility for more than 24 hours, AND
- Meet all MC eligibility requirements.
When an inmate is hospitalized or is expected to be hospitalized, an MC application is submitted on behalf of the inmate. The application is reviewed to determine whether the inmate is eligible for MC. Previous disability history is also reviewed and, if necessary, DDSD referral is required for a disability determination.
Summary of Responsibilities
CCHCS or SD Staff
- Identify inmates admitted for inpatient services off the grounds of the correctional facility.
- Forward completed MC applications for inmates to DHCS or SSA.
- Forward all needed documentation.
- Forward medical records, if a DDSD referral is needed.
- Receive eligibility information from DHCS or SSA regarding an inmate’s MC determination.
- Update case information as needed.
DHCS or SSA Staff
- Perform state and county inmate eligibility determinations.
- Notify CCHCS or SD of eligibility determination.
- Complete MC RDs.
- Enter information into MEDS and perform ongoing case maintenance.
- Complete a DDSD referral if a disability determination is required.
Billing and County Responsibility
With the implementation of moving all State and County inmate MC aid codes from the primary segment (INQM) to the secondary segment (INQ1/INQ2/INQ3) in MEDS as of July 1, 2016, both full scope MC coverage and restricted scope inmate coverage can now co-exist in the same month with different county of responsibility in these segments for an inmate. MEDS also allows for payment of claims for Inmate and non-Inmate coverage within the same month. Therefore, it is imperative that a county MCIEP application must be processed by County of Incarceration even though a MC client has residency in another county (County of Residency). This will prevent the incorrect county being billed for the non-federal share incurred by the medical services provided to the MCIEP eligible county inmate. The correct county residency address of incarceration and county responsibility code must be is displayed in the secondary segment in MEDS.
Note: For providers reporting any billing issues they may contact MCIEP directly via email at DHCSIMCU@dhcs.ca.gov for assistance.
The following scenarios provide guidance on the actions to take for different circumstances:
Scenario 1
County A receives an application from County B for an inmate who is incarcerated in County B, but the inmate claims he resides in County A on the MCIEP application.
Action 1
County A should return the application back to County B for eligibility determination and maintenance of case.
Scenario 2
County A receives an application from the jail in County B for an individual who is incarcerated in County B, but received inpatient services off the grounds of the correctional facility in County A.
Action 2
County A should return the application to County B, as County B is the county responsible for processing the MCIEP application and maintenance of case.
Scenario 3
Inmate was incarcerated in County A from 1/29/16 to 4/5/16. The inmate reported to the county eligibility worker at the jail facility who took the application he was planning on returning to County B once he was released. This inmate was not living in County A at the time of the arrest.
Action 3
County A is the county responsible for processing the MCIEP application and maintenance of case.
Scenario 4
County A receives MCIEP application for an incarcerated individual in County A. There is an active MC case that was suspended in County B.
Action 4
County A sends a request to County B to lift the suspension. The two counties would need to communicate to ensure the correct county removes the suspension, as only the county which suspended the MC eligibility can remove the suspension. County A is the county responsible for processing the MCIEP application and maintenance of case.
County Involvement with MCIEP State Inmates
Although DHCS administers MCIEP for state inmates, there are some situations in which county involvement is necessary for proper administration of the program. The following situations address circumstances in which the county may come into contact with a State MCIEP case.
State Inmates and Parole
When it is discovered that an individual is currently receiving MCIEP and released from prison, this is considered a change in circumstances. DHCS should provide the inmate’s county of residence with the inmate’s case information. When notified that the MCIEP individual is released, the County must follow the Ex Parte process to evaluate eligibility for ongoing MC benefits. The parolee remains in the MCIEP aid code until the Ex Parte process is complete.
If the parolee is determined. . . |
Then . . . |
Eligible for MC, |
Not eligible for MC, |
Follow procedures for discontinuing MC eligibility. |
When a state inmate is paroled, the parole agent may give the parolee a letter with details about their possible eligibility for MC. If the former inmate is released/paroled and he/she applies for aid at the county Social Services office, and he/she has eligibility in MEDS under MCIEP, consider this application a change of circumstance and transition the individual into tan ongoing MC aid code, if otherwise eligible.
Inpatient Services for Pregnant Inmates
When a pregnant inmate is eligible for and receiving MC at the time of the infant’s birth, the infant is automatically deemed eligible for MC without a separate MC application until age one, as long as the infant resides in California.
DHCS will notify SSA of the infant’s birth through the “MCIEP DHCS-County Transmittal Form.” The county of responsibility will be where the infant resides, unless the infant is under Foster Care placement or pending the adoption process. In those cases, the County must follow the current process for deemed infant, Foster Care, and/or adoption eligibility.
In circumstances when a pregnant inmate is not MC eligible under the MCIEP, the infant does not qualify under Deemed Eligibility. For state inmates, CCHCS has an established MC application process in place for the mother to apply for the infant. For county jail inmates, the infant does not qualify under Deemed Eligibility, but may qualify through the regular MC application process.
MCIEP Recipient Applies for MC After Release
If an MCIEP individual applies for MC through SSA, consider the application a change of circumstance and transition the individual into the aid code he/she would be eligible for if not incarcerated, if otherwise eligible.
Although benefits for MCIEP are restricted to inpatient services, clients cannot be required to reapply for MC when they are released within 12 months of the MCIEP application. For state inmates DHCS should inform our agency and transfer the case information along with copies of documents when an MCIEP individual is about to be released from prison. The EW must follow the Ex Parte process to determine continuing MC eligibility and if eligible place the inmate in an appropriate MC Aid Code and mail the BIC.
Open MC Case
If DHCS finds an open MC case, DHCS will advise SSA of the findings. The EW must discontinue the individual from the case effective the first day of the following month and send a Notice of Action (NOA) to the last known address. If the inmate was part of a family case, then the family must be redetermined using the Ex Parte process.
State Inmate Aid Codes
The following aid codes are used by DHCS staff to establish eligibility for state inmates who are eligible for the MCIEP program.
Aid Code |
MC Benefits |
Program/Description |
F1 |
Limited Non-MAGI |
No |
MC no share-of-cost (SOC) for Aged, Blind and Disabled State Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital (Title XIX) services only, for inmates in state correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
F2 |
Restricted; Limited Non-MAGI |
No |
MC no SOC for Aged, Blind and Disabled undocumented State Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital emergency (Title XIX) and pregnancy-related (Title XXI) services only, for inmates in state correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
N5 |
Limited MAGI |
No |
Medi-Cal benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital only, for adult inmates aged 19 through 64 years of age in state correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
N6 |
Restricted; Limited MAGI |
No |
Medi-Cal benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital and pregnancy services, for undocumented adult inmates aged 19 through 64 years of age in state correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G1 |
Limited |
No |
MC no SOC for State Juvenile Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital and inpatient mental health (Title XIX) services only, for juvenile inmates in state correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G2 |
Restricted; Limited |
No |
MC no SOC for undocumented State Juvenile Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital emergency and inpatient mental health emergency (Title XIX) and inpatient pregnancy-related (Title XXI) services only, for juvenile inmates in state correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
County Inmate Aid Codes
The following aid codes have been implemented in MEDS for use by the counties.
Aid Code |
MC Benefits |
Program/Description |
F3 |
Limited Non-MAGI |
No |
MC no SOC for County Inmates for Aged, Blind and Disabled adult inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital (Title XIX) services only, for inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
F4 |
Restricted; Limited Non-MAGI |
No |
MC no SOC for undocumented County Inmates for Aged, Blind and Disabled adult inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital emergency (Title XIX) and pregnancy-related (Title XXI) services only, for inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
K6 |
Full Scope MAGI |
No |
Full Scope MC with no SOC for County Compassionate Release Program (CCRP) and County Medical Probation Program (CMPP) for newly eligible adult group 19 through 64 years old and citizen/lawfully present with income at or below 138% FPL, including disabled/blind with income over 128% up to 138%; Title XIX; 100% Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), 90% Federal and 10% County for Family Planning Services |
K7 |
Restricted Scope MAGI |
No |
Restricted Scope MC with no SOC for CCRP and CMPP for newly eligible adult group 19 through 64 years old undocumented county inmates with income at or below 138% FPL, including disabled/blind inmates with income over 128% up to 138% FPL; Title XIX/Title XXI; 88% Federal /12% State FMAP; (Title XXI) limited to pregnancy-related services; 100% FMAP, (XIX) for emergency services including labor and delivery; 100% State funding for postpartum and Long Term Care (LTC) services |
K8 |
Full Scope MAGI |
No |
Full Scope MC with no SOC for CCRP and CMPP for not newly eligible adult group 19 through 64 years old, including disabled /blind recipients without SSI/Medicare and citizen/lawfully present with income at or below 128% FPL; Title XIX; 50% Federal/50% State FMAP for Full Alternative Benefit Plan Services. |
K9 |
Restricted Scope MAGI |
No |
Restricted Scope MC with no SOC for CCRP and CMPP for not newly eligible undocumented adult group 19 through 64 years old, including disabled /blind recipients without SSI/Medicare with income at or below 128% FPL; Title XIX/Title XXI; 50% Federal/50% State FMAP (TitleXIX) for emergency services including labor and delivery; 88% Federal/ 12% State FMAP (XXI) for pregnancy-related services; 100% State funding for postpartum and LTC services; 100% State funding for postpartum and LTC services. |
N7 |
Limited MAGI |
No |
Medi-Cal no SOC for County Adult Inmates. Medi-Cal benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital services only, for adult inmates aged 19 through 64 years of age in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
N8 |
Restricted MAGI |
No |
Medi-Cal no SOC for undocumented County Adult Inmates. Medi-Cal benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital services only, for adult inmates aged 19 through 64 years of age in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G3 |
Restricted; Limited Non-MAGI |
Yes |
MC SOC for County Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital (Title XIX) services only, for inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G4 |
Restricted; Limited Non-MAGI |
Yes |
MC SOC for undocumented County Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital emergency (Title XIX) and pregnancy-related (Title XXI) services only, for inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G5 |
Restricted; Limited |
No |
MC no SOC for County Juvenile Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital and inpatient mental health (Title XIX) services only, for juvenile inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G6 |
Restricted; Limited |
No |
MC no SOC for undocumented County Juvenile Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital emergency and inpatient mental health emergency (Title XIX) and inpatient pregnancy-related (Title XXI) services only, for juvenile inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G7 |
Restricted; Limited |
Yes |
MC SOC for County Juvenile Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital and inpatient mental health (Title XIX) services only, for juvenile inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
G8 |
Restricted; Limited |
Yes |
MC SOC for undocumented County Juvenile Inmates. MC benefits limited to covered inpatient hospital emergency and inpatient mental health emergency (Title XIX) and inpatient pregnancy-related (Title XXI) services only, for juvenile inmates in county correctional facilities who receive those services off the grounds of the correctional facility. |
MCIEP Application Process
The following is the MCIEP Application Process:
- Sheriff’s Department or Health and Hospital Sysytems (HHS) Financial Counselor
- Complete, sign and send the inmate's MC Application and the "MCIEP Cover Letter" (SCD 2456) to the designated AB720 EW on a monthly basis. The cover letter includes:
- The inmate's name,
- The jail name,
- Date of admission to jail,
- The hospital name,
- The number of days in the hospital,
- A yes/no field for current MC benefits,
- CalSAWS case number, if applicable,
- Citizenship/Immigration status.
- Complete, sign and send the inmate's MC Application and the "MCIEP Cover Letter" (SCD 2456) to the designated AB720 EW on a monthly basis. The cover letter includes:
- AB720 EW
- Receives the SCD 2456 and applications via e-mail.
- Reviews applications to determine if the inmate has an open case assigned to an office/EW.
- Sends two separate e-mails with the following information to AB720@ssa.sccgov.org:
- All applications for individuals with an active case (subject field- Active/Open Case).
- All applications for individuals with no active or open case (subject field- AB720 MCIEP).
- AB720 Clerical
- Receives e-mail from AB720 EW:
If the Individual... |
Then... |
Has an open/active case, |
Not known to CalSAWS, MEDS or CalHEERS, (No CIN) |
Known to CalSAWS, MEDS or CalHEERS but no open/active case |
Is only known to CalHEERS |
- EW
- For Individuals with no open/active case:
- Reviews application forms.
- Performs Ex Parte review.
- Contacts RO for more information, if necessary.
- Determines the correct aid code to use via County Inmate Aid Codes table.
- Submits an SCD 1296 to update the secondary segment of MEDS. (Ensure that the MCIEP aid code is approved for the period in which the inmate was seen in the hospital.)
- Checks MEDS in 2 days to confirm the client is active on the correct aid code.
- Sends the appropriate MCIEP NOA to the case address on file.
- MC 0377IN for Approval of full scope MCIEP, and MC 0377IR for Approval of restricted scope MCIEP.
IMPORTANT! If a new case was opened as a result of a CalHEERS application, approve the “regular” Medi-Cal aid code if otherwise eligible and immediately suspend it.
NOTE: Do not make MCIEP entries in CalSAWS. At this time MCIEP is determined outside of the SAWS system and eligibility is updated directly in MEDS.
- If the client is only active on SSI:
- Completes the MC 195 “County Transmittal for MCIEP Applicants Receiving SSI”.
- Sends the completed MC 195 to DHCS as an encrypted e-mail with the subject type of “MC 195 County Transmittal for MCIEP Applicants Receiving SSI”.
Reminder: Do NOT include any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the Subject field.
- For individuals with an open/active case:
- Suspends current MC aid code, if applicable.
- Reviews application forms.
- Performs Ex Parte review.
- Contacts RO for more information, if necessary.
- Determines the correct aid code to use via County Inmate Aid Codes table.
- Submits an SCD 1296 to update the secondary segment of MEDS with the correct MCIEP aid code. (Ensure that the MCIEP aid code is approved for the period in which the inmate was seen in the hospital.)
- Checks MEDS in 2 days to confirm the client is active on the correct aid code.
- Sends the appropriate MCIEP NOA to the case address on file.
- For Individuals with no open/active case:
Note: A full application for Medi-Cal is not required if the individual is only applying for MCIEP. Signature requirements still apply.
Medi-Cal Inmate Eligibility Program NOAs
A notice of action is required for the approval or denial of MCIEP. Current system functionality does not allow for the appropriate Notice of Action (NOA) to be generated. The following MCIEP NOAs are located in the DEBS form library:
• MC 0377 IN-”Approval MCIEP Full-scope” for MCIEP (full scope) aid codes F3,G3,N7,G5 and G7.
• MC 0377IR- “Approval MCIEP Restricted” for MCIEP (restricted scope) aid codes F4, G4 and N8.
For MCIEP denials, use the appropriate denial/discontinuance NOA from CalSAWS and add the following language as Freeform Text prior to printing: “The Authority for this notice is Pen. Code 5072, Welf. & Inst. Code 14053.7, 14053.8, 14053.9”
MCIEP Cover Letter
The MCEIP cover letter (SCD 2456)MCEIP cover letter (SCD 2456) is used to identify applications submitted for inmates who have received hospital services over 24 hours.
Related Topics
Pre-Release Application (AB720)