Sponsor/VOLAG Contact

Role of Resettlement Agency

Most refugees who reach a community will have been resettled by one of the VOLAG working with the federal government and will have a local agency sponsor.

In resettling a refugee, the resettlement agency undertakes certain responsibilities, including: receiving the refugee and his/her family, providing shelter, food, clothing, pocket money, assistance in finding employment, enrolling the children in school, and paying medical costs upon arrival.

Intake Procedure

At the time of eligibility determination, the EW will ask the refugee if income is received from a VOLAG:

Income from VOLAG

If the answer is...

Then the EW must...


  1. Request the name, address and telephone number of the applicant's sponsor/VOLAG.

Note: Inform the refugee applicant that refusal to provide information regarding his/her sponsor or VOLAG may result in the denial of the Medi-Cal application.

  1. Contact the sponsor or VOLAG using a “Volag/Sponsor” form (SCD 1468) to determine what assistance is being provided. A telephone contact is sufficient to meet this requirement but must be documented; however, a written statement is preferred. A section on the SCD 1468 has been provided to document a telephone contact.
  2. Attempt to resolve any discrepancy between the information provided by the refugee and that provided by the VOLAG or sponsor. In the absence of substantiating information from the VOLAG or sponsor, Medi-Cal should be based on the information provided by the refugee. In cases where the information is unknown to the refugee, the EW must document such in the case file.


Not pursue sponsorship. Consider the Refugee as unsponsored by an agency and continue to process the Medi-Cal application. Refugees never have an individual sponsor.

Resettlement and Matching Grants

Resettlement and Match Grant received from the VOLAG are considered unearned income in the month of receipt and standard income verification procedures are applied. Match Grants are usually given for four months, as opposed to RCA/ECA of twelve months. So after four months of match grant from the VOLAG, eligible Refugees may receive eight months of RCA/ECA if needed.

Refugees may receive a monthly Match Grant from one of the following VOLAGs:

  • Jewish Family Services
  • Catholic Charities
  • International Rescue Committee.

If one of these VOLAGs resettled a refugee, determine whether they are providing a Match Grant. Send the “Match Grant Notification of Application for Assistance” (SCD 1000) to the appropriate VOLAG notifying them of the type of assistance the client has requested.

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Eligibility Determination