Accelerated Enrollment (AE)
When an application is received through the Online Covered CA portal, individuals who appear to be eligible for no cost MC based on their self-attested information are enrolled into the AE program. The AE Program allows individuals to have immediate access to medical services until eligibility for regular
MC benefits is determined. Covered CA forwards the application via “External Referral Data” (ERD) to the residence county for an MC determination.
Scope of Coverage and Aid Code
AE provides temporary, full-scope, no cost coverage while eligibility for MC is being determined.
- AE begins the first day of the month AE was established.
- Individuals who qualify for AE are assigned Aid Code 8E and MEDS generates the mailing of a Benefits Identification Card (BIC) to the individual's home.
Important: Under NO circumstances should an individual be denied MC due to the fact that he/she has an active (8E) MEDS record.
Ineligible for AE
AE does not apply to individuals who:
- Have an active MC MEDS record
- Do not have California residency
- Are included on an application that does not provide enough information at screening to establish eligibility
- Are included on an application that does not provide enough information for a Client Identification Number (CIN) to be assigned
- Have not requested MC or whose AE screening indicates that they are not likely eligible for no-cost MC
- Do not appear eligible for no-cost MC
Informing Notices
AE is not considered full MC eligibility, therefore, there are no appeal rights or Notice of Action (NOA) requirements during this period.
- An informing notice generates through Covered CA notifying the AE eligibles their application has been referred to the county for a Medi-Cal determination.
- AE coverage ends when a full MC eligibility determination is completed and the individuals MC has either been approved or denied. A 10-day Notice of Action (NOA) is NOT required to stop AE.
AE MEDS Record
AE eligibility is viewed on the Special Program 1 [INQ1] MEDS screen. An AE record on MEDS will have the following information:
Field |
Code(s) |
Eligibility Status Code |
001-499 |
Government Responsibility Code |
“1” (County Responsibility) |
Other Health Coverage Information |
“N” for none or “V” for various |
County ID format |
Termination of AE
AE ends when MEDS receives information that the individuals MC has either been approved or denied. MEDS automatically terminates AE at the end of the MEDS month in which the EW generates an MC approval or denial transaction, and it is reported to MEDS via interface.
AE Time frames and MEDS Cut-Off
The following information is reflected on MEDS when action is taken to terminate AE:
If … |
Then… |
A denial is reported to MEDS prior to the end of the calendar month, |
MEDS will discontinue AE the last day of the calendar month. The AE termination date will be the denial date. A ten-day NOA is not required to terminate AE. |
The application is approved prior to MEDS Cut-Off, |
Both the AE Aid Code and the regular MC Aid Code will show on the MEDS screen in their corresponding segments for the current month. The AE Aid Code will automatically terminate at the end of the month while the regular MC Aid Code continues. |
If the application is approved after MEDS Cut-Off and on or before the end of the calendar month, |
MEDS will show the new ongoing MC eligibility Aid Code on the [INQM] screen from the effective date, and AE will be terminated the last day of the calendar month. The AE termination date displayed on MEDS will be the date the transaction posted to MED. |
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