Hearing Aid Coverage For Children Program (HACCP)
The “Hearing Aid Coverage for Children Program” (HACCP), authorized by Assembly Bill (AB) 89, is a state program for children under the age of 18, who are not currently eligible for, or enrolled in Medi-Cal or California Children’s Services (CCS), and who are in need of hearing aids and related services.
Note: These benefits are also available to children whose health insurance does not cover hearing aids and related services.
The HACCP program is administrated by MAXIMUS; including the eligibility determination and ongoing case management. HACCP began accepting applications effective 07/21/2021.
HACCP Covered Services and Aid Code
HACCP utilizes existing Medi-Cal and CCS policies to guide the benefit structure including, but not limited to, coverage of:
- Hearing aid(s) and hearing aid replacement
- Hearing aid supplies/accessories
- Hearing aid-related audiology services
- Other related post-evaluation services
Coverage for these services is based on a referral from an enrolled Medi-Cal audiologist or hearing aid dispenser who will document the degree of hearing loss, medical necessity for the requested amplification method, name of the manufacturer, type of hearing aid authorized, and the number of units.
Children who qualify for HACCP are assigned Aid Code A1.
Eligibility Criteria
To qualify for HACCP, all criteria below must be met. The child must be:
- Under the age of 18,
- In need of hearing aid and related services,
- Referred by an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or medical physician,
- Living in a household with an income of up to 600 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL),
- Not otherwise eligible for Medi-Cal or CCS, or have an existing health insurance that does not cover hearing aid and related services
How to Apply for HACCP
The application for HACCP benefits is done through MAXIMUS and requires a referral from an audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician. If an applicant is found not eligible for HACCP because they are meeting eligibility for Medi-Cal or CCS, MAXIMUS will include a copy of the Single Streamlined Application in the HACCP denial letter and refer the applicant to the social services agency to apply for coverage; this application is to be processed as a regular walk-in application.
Applicants may obtain additional information by visiting the HACCP website, or by calling the HACCP Call Center a 1-833-956-2878. Applicants may also be provided with the HACCP flyer.
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