Severely Impaired Working Individuals Program

The SSI program encourages severely disabled individuals to seek and maintain employment through a work incentive program known as the Continued Medicaid Eligibility program. This program provides zero MC to working SSI beneficiaries even if their earnings are too high to allow an SSI cash payment. These individuals appear on MEDS as SSI/SSP recipients (i.e., Aid Code 60), but do not receive a cash grant.

An individual terminated from Continued Medicaid Eligibility for reasons other than his/her earnings and who continues to be blind/disabled is potentially eligible for the Severely Impaired Working Individual program (Aid Code 8G).

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals terminated from Continued Medicaid Eligibility may be eligible for zero SOC MC under the Severely Impaired Working Individual program. The individual must meet all of the following four basic requirements:

  • Depends on MC to continue working,
  • Meets all SSI/SSP requirements, except for earnings,
  • Does not have sufficient earnings to replace SSI cash benefits, Medicaid and the cost of publicly funded personal and attendant care, and
  • Received SSI or Continued Medicaid Eligibility in the month immediately preceding the first month eligibility for the Severely Impaired Working Individual program.

Spousal/parental income and property are considered when determining if the applicant meets the requirements listed above.

HCBA Waiver Referral

A Severely Impaired Working Individual frequently meets the criteria for medical certification under the HCBA Waiver program. If the above criteria is not met when spousal/parental income and property is considered, the EW will refer to Libertana for potential HCBA Waiver eligibility.


MC applicants applying for the Severely Impaired Working Individual program will identify themselves to the EW. It is anticipated that very few individuals will fall into this category. Should one be encountered, ask the MC Liaison to contact the MC Program Coordinator for complete procedures.

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