Determination of Percentage Obligation

CalSAWS will determine the Percentage Obligation. The portion of medical expenses which the client is responsible for paying is based on the Annual Net Worth.]

Determination of Percentage Obligation



Less Than $5,000


$5,000 - $250,000

MSTP-Only = 2% for each $5,000 of ANW

MSTP-Supplement = 1% for each $5,000 of ANW

More Than $250,000

Not Eligible for MSTP.

The percentage obligation is applied after all other sources of payment have been exhausted. If the patient has Medicare, private health insurance, or any other non-Medi-Cal coverage, that coverage must be billed first. The patient’s percentage obligation applies to the balance remaining after payment by the other coverage.

Example: MSTP - OnlyExample: MSTP - Only

A Family’s Net Worth is $78,000. To determine the Total Percentage Obligation:

  1. Divide $78,000 by $5,000 = 15.6
  2. Round 15.6 down to 15.
  3. Multiply 15 x percentage obligation (15 x 2% = 30%).

Eligibility for the MSTP-Only program is being evaluated, therefore, a percentage obligation of 2% is required. The patient’s ANW is $78,000. There are 15 sets of $5,000 in the ANW. 15 x 2% equals 30% (Total Percentage Obligation)

The patient must pay 30% of each dialysis/TPN bill, after any insurance payments are received. MC will pay the rest.

Example: MSTP - SupplementExample: MSTP - Supplement

Costs which are obligated by the beneficiary under the MSTP-Supplement Program are applied to the MFBU’s SOC, permitting the beneficiary’s entire family to be certified as eligible when the SOC is met.

A family of four applies for MC and the MSTP-Supplement Program and is approved with a $100 SOC. The percentage obligation is 1%. The medical bill for dialysis from VMC for the month of May is $1,000.



for self-care dialysis clinic

- 800.00

Medicare pays (80%)


- 80.00

Blue Cross pays


- 1.20

1% obligation (120 x 1%)


- 98.80

remainder of SOC


VMC bills Medi-Cal

The other family members can receive MC benefits when the SOC is met. The dialysis patient also receives MC benefits, including full-care dialysis.

Related Topics

Eligibility Requirements

Establishing a MEDS Record