MEDI Reserve System
The following providers must bill certain treatments/services as “MEDI” services:
- Chiropractors
- Acupuncturists
- Podiatrists
- Occupational therapists
- Speech pathologists
- Audiologists
MC clients are limited to two MEDI services each month. The provider may reserve a MEDI service Online when making an appointment for the current month (or the future month if after MEDS renewal) by using the CA-EV/CMS.
A provider may release a MEDI reservation Online so that other MEDI service providers can provide necessary care to the MC client. With this reservation system, providers have some guarantee that they will be able to bill for the MEDI service and receive payment.
MC clients must direct MEDI reservation system questions and/or problems to their providers. The EW has no control over the MEDI reservation procedure.
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