Alien Sponsor Status. This data element identifies the status of an alien in regards to sponsor(s) and deeming requirements. This field can be viewed from the INQE screen.


No sponsor or the 3-year deeming period has ended.


Sponsor legally exempt from deeming (institution, church, etc).


Sponsor liable for support. Sponsor has no other status, so deeming from sponsor only.


Sponsor liable for support. Sponsor also has status as regular deemer, so regular deeming (spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child) applies.


Sponsor liable for support. SSR has regular deemer plus the sponsor, so deeming occurs from both the regular deemer (parent/spouse) and the sponsor.


Same as C, but with the addition that the sponsor has a spouse.


Same as D, except sponsors are specifically identified as parents of the alien, and both parents (sponsor and sponsor's spouse) are liable for deeming.


Same as E, except sponsor has a spouse, i.e. deeming has been considered from at least three potential sources: the sponsor, the sponsor's spouse, and the regular deemer on the SSR (alien's ineligible spouse or parent).


Multiple legal sponsors exist. One or more of the sponsors may have status as a regular deemer on the SSR, or one of more of the sponsors may also have a spouse whose income is deemable.


Spouse is liable for support, however, recipient's liability onset date is later than his/her date of US entry, and therefore, exemption applies. No sponsor-to-alien deeming.


Sponsor liable for support. Sponsor does not have other status on alien's SSN so deeming occurs only from the sponsor. A new affidavit of support is in effect.


Sponsor liable for support. Sponsor also has status as regular deemer on the alien's SSR; however, sponsor-to-alien deeming rules apply since a new affidavit of support is in effect.


Sponsor liable for support. SSR contains a regular deemer plus the sponsor (sponsor is not the regular deemer) and deeming occurs from both the sponsor and the regular deemer (spouse/parent). New affidavit of support is in effect.


Same as M, with the addition that the sponsor has a spouse.


Same as N, with the addition that the sponsor has a spouse, and the sponsors are specifically identified as parents of the alien, and both parents (sponsor and sponsor's spouse) are liable for deeming.


Same as O, with the addition that the sponsor has a spouse. Therefore, deeming is considered from three potential sources: the sponsor, the sponsor's spouse, and the regular deemer on the SSR (alien's ineligible spouse or parent)


Multiple legal sponsors exist. One or more may have other status as a regular deemer on the SSR, or, one or more of the sponsors may have a spouse whose income is also deemable. A new affidavit of support is in effect.


Sponsor no longer liable, e.g. sponsor is deceased.


Unknown--systems-generated prior to the advent of sponsor-to-alien deeming. Cannot be input by Field Office.


New affidavit of support is in effect and deeming terminated because alien has acquired 40 work credits.