Other Health Coverage (OHC) codes. This data element identifies a recipient's private health care coverage by a health care insurance company, a Prepaid Health Plan (PHP), Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), or a Public Institution. It indicates that health care services should, in most cases, be covered by the private health care coverage instead of Medi-Cal. This field can be viewed from the INQM or INQC screen
Effective January 1, 2017, four (4) new OHC codes, E, H, Q, and W has been added to into MEDS.
Pay and Chase OHC (Post Payment Recovery) |
A |
Any Carrier including multiple coverage. |
Cost Avoidance OHC |
C |
Champus Prime HMO (Military Benefits Comprehensive) |
D |
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage |
E |
Vision Plans |
F |
Medicare Risk HMO (Medicare Part C Health Plan) |
G |
Medical Parole |
H |
Multiple Plans Comprehensive |
K |
Kaiser |
L |
Dental only policies |
P |
PPO/PHP/HMOs and EPO (Exclusive Provider Option) not otherwise specified |
Q |
Commercial Pharmacy Plans |
V |
Any carrier (other than above, includes multiple coverage). This code is obsolete as of January 1, 2017, but historically maintained in MEDS for 36 months prior to January 2017. |
W |
Multiple Plans Non-Comprehensive |
Other OHC Related Codes |
N |
None |
O |
Override - Used to remove cost avoidance OHC codes posted by DHCS Recovery when OHC Source is H, R or T. Changes OHC to A. |