Recertification/Redetermination Information Packets

After the annual program recertification/redetermination interview has been completed and benefits are re-authorized, the appropriate program related forms are mailed by Centralized Support Services (CSS) to the client along with a copy of the completed SOF, indicating any new or changed information provided by the client.

Cover Letter

A cover letter is included with the packet instructing clients to review the SOF and if there are discrepancies, to contact their EW within 10 days to make the corrections. The cover page also states that the forms in the packet are for the client to keep and should not be returned to the County.

Exception: EWs must send clients who choose to have a Face to Face RRR interview instead of a telephone interview, the CalWORKs and/or CalFresh RRR Packet(s) prior to their scheduled office interview date.

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Intake Packets

DEBS Forms Packets