Change in Employability Status

Change Reported to the Eligibility Worker

Whenever an applicant/recipient indicates a change in their employability status, the Eligibility Worker must update it in CalSAWS and must make the appropriate service referrals as follows:

If the change is... and the applicant/recipient... Then...
From Employable to Unemployable Is under the care of a mental/medical provider
  • Updates status in CalSAWS.
  • *Deregisters the GA/GR Employment Services Program Block. [Refer to CB 23-69].
  • Completes GA 53 and sends to VS.
  • Provides SCD 1400 for their Professional Licensed Provider to complete 
  • Allows up to 60 days for the return of the SCD 1400 by entering the appropriate begin and end dates in CalSAWS. 
  • Conducts a follow up on the employability status at the end of the period.
Is not under the care of a medical/mental provider
  • Updates status in CalSAWS.
  • *Deregisters the GA/GR Employment Services Program Block. [Refer to CB 23-69].
  • Completes GA 53 and sends to VS.
  • Provides SCD 1400 for their Professional Licensed Provider to complete 
  • Allows up to 60 days for the return of the SCD 1400 by entering the appropriate begin and end dates in CalSAWS.
  • Informs applicant/recipient of the Health Alliance services provided by in-housed clinicians and that their SCD 1400 may be completed based on an assessment.
  • Completes a Health Alliance Assessment Referral (if applicant/recipient agrees).
  • Conducts a follow-up on the employability status at the end of the period.
From Unemployable to Employable has no apparent medical/mental condition
  • Updates status in CalSAWS.
  • Refers client to VS by setting up an appointment for orientation in CalSAWS. Refer to CB 23-63.
  • Makes determination of future benefits according to the outcome of the referral.


Change Reported to the Employment Counselor

If during the Vocational Services Program Intake Assessment or Continuing Reassessment, the participant reports to the EC, or if the EC determines that the participant is unemployable, the process below must be followed:

  1. Employment Counselor
    1. Provides the applicant/recipient with an SCD 1400 for their medical/mental health provider to complete.
    2. Informs the applicant/recipient that the SCD 1400 must be returned by the due date to their Eligibility Worker.
    3. Informs the applicant/recipient about the Health Alliance services provided by in-housed clinicians and if appropriate sends the referral.
    4. Provides the applicant/recipient with a “Vocational Services Submission Face Sheet” (SCD 2553) with information on the SCD 1400 due date and Eligibility Worker’s information.
    5. Completes and submits an “Eligibility Worker/Vocational Services Communication” form (GA 53) and a copy of the SCD 2553 to inform the Eligibility Worker of the change on employability status.
  2. Eligibility Worker
    1. Receives the GA 53 and copy of the SCD 2553. 
    2. Updates status in CalSAWS.
    3. *Deregisters the GA/GR Employment Services Program Block. Refer to Chewable Byte 23-69:How to Deregister GA/GR Employment Services.
    4. Monitors employability status and takes appropriate action as with all other unemployable clients.




*When there is a pending payment, EW must NOT deregister. Instead, the EW must send an email to Vocational Services (VS) with the following information:

  • To: Brianna Luong, Josh Bonilla (VS Leads)
  • CC: Marilyn Pham (VS Supervisor) Subject: Pending Payment Disposition
  • Body of email: Include case name and number
  • Attachment: ScreenshotScreenshot of the GA/GR Employment Services Status Detail page with the alert indicating that there is a pending payment request




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