Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) Households

[63-509.44, 63-509.6]

Add a new member to the household effective the first of the month following the month when the new member was first reported, providing that the new member is eligible and all the required forms and verifications are received.

Use the following chart to determine when and how to add a new member to a SAR household:

Steps to Add a Person to a SAR Household


Follow these steps when a SAR household makes a voluntary Mid-Period report that someone new moved into the home.

  1. Determine whether the new person is a household member. Are they:
    1. Related to anyone in the household (parent, child)?
    2. Purchasing or preparing meals with other household members?
    3. A minor under parental control of a household member?
      1. If YES, the new person is a household member. Go to Step # 2.
      2. If NO, the new person is not a household member. Document this on the Maintain Case Comments window and STOP HERE.
  2. Determine whether the new income combined with the new household's current income exceeds the IRT, or uncertain. If Yes, follow the steps below. If NO, go to Step #3.
    1. Send a RFC form CF 32 requesting all required verification for the new member and their income and document the case record.
    2. If the RFC is returned complete and their income is below IRT, add the new member and their income to the household effective the first of the month following the month when the new member was reported.
    3. If the household’s income exceeds the IRT for the new household size, the household is ineligible and must be terminated with a 10-day NOA.
    4. If information and verification needed to add the new member is not provided or incomplete, discontinue the household for failing to respond to the RFC and issue a CF 377.4 SAR.
  3. If the new mandatory member does not have income or their new income does not exceed the IRT,
    1. Inform the household on the CF 377.6 of the action necessary to add the new member and note such action in the case record.
    2. If the household responds with all needed verifications, add the new member and their income and adjust benefits effective the following month.
    3. If the household does not respond, send a “No Change NOA” to the household informing them that the voluntary report of the new household member did not increase benefits. The household must be reminded that the change must be reported on the next SAR 7 or recertification, along with the required verification.
  4. Determine what forms, if any, are required to add the new member
    1. If the household is CE, then use the following forms:
      1. CW 8A; or
      2. CW 8; or
      3. SAWS 2 Plus.
    2. If the household is NA, then an application form is not required, but any of the forms listed above or a CF 285 may be used.
  5. For NA households, this may be done by phone, using the SAR 7/RC forms, or by appointment with an application. If a new application is not taken, document the new member's information on, and sign and date, either of the:
    1. County Use Section of the last “Application for CalFresh Benefits" (CF 285) on file OR “Maintain Case Comments window.
  6. For CE households, schedule an appointment to review the application forms.
  7. Review the following eligibility factors for the new member:
    1. Citizenship/non-citizenship status
    2. Income
    3. Resources
    4. Voluntary quit and work registration requirements
    5. Obtain the following for the new member:
    6. SSN or MC 194.
    7. Income verification, if applicable.
    8. Work registration, if applicable.
    9. Non-citizenship status verification, if applicable.
  8. If the new member is ineligible, take no action. Send a NO change NOA reminding the household to report the change on their next SAR 7 or RC.


Follow these steps when a SAR Household reports someone new moved into the home in a month prior to the Submit Month on their SAR 

  1. Determine whether the new person is a household member. Are they:
    1. Related to anyone in the household (parent, child)?
    2. Purchasing or preparing meals with other household members?
    3. A minor under parental control of a household member?
      1. If YES, the new person is a household member. Go to step 2 on page 13-2.
      2. If NO, the new person is not a household member. Document this on the Maintain Case Comments window and STOP HERE.
  2. Determine what forms, if any, are required to add the new member
    1. If the household is CE, then use the following forms:
      1. CW 8A; or
      2. CW 8; or
      3. SAWS 2 Plus.
    2. If the household is NA, then an application form is not required, but any of the forms listed above or a CF 285 may be used.
  3. Determine eligibility for the new member when the household reported the new member.
    1. For NA households, this may be done by phone, using the SAR 7, or by appointment with an application. If a new application is not taken, document the new member's information on, and sign and date, either of the:
    2. County Use Section of the last “Application for CalFresh Benefits” (CF 285) on file, OR “Maintain Case Comments window.
    3. For CE households, schedule an appointment to review the application forms.
    4. Review the following eligibility factors for the new member:
    5. Citizenship/non-citizenship status
    6. Income
    7. Resources
    8. Voluntary quit and work registration requirements
    9. Obtain the following for the new member:
      1. SSN or MC 194.
      2. Income verification, if applicable.
      3. Work registration, if applicable.
      4. Non-citizenship status verification, if applicable.
  4. If information and verification needed to add the new member is not provided:
    1. Send a “Verification Checklist” or DFA 387 notice requesting the household to provide the information/verification within 10 days. At the end of the 10-day period, if the requested information/verification is not received, a 10-day NOA must be issued to discontinue the household for Failure to Provide Information.
    2. ExampleExample

      A household reports on its May SAR 7, received June 5th, that a new member moved in on May 4th. Some of the verification needed to add the new member is missing. The EW sends a “Verification Checklist” requesting the information on June 7th. If the information is not provided by June 17th, the EW must send a NOA to discontinue the entire household effective June 30th.

  1. If the new member is eligible:
    1. Budget the new member's income and specific deductions (dependent care, excess medical expenses for the elderly/disabled) for the remainder of the period. Send a NOA:
    2. Ten days in advance if benefits will be decreased or discontinued as a result of adding the new member. If benefits have to be issued in a greater amount then the amount the client is entitled to due to the 10-day NOA requirement, declare an overissuance for the first month of the SAR Payment Period.
    3. By the date of increase if benefits will be increased as a result of adding the new member.
  2. If the new member is ineligible, send a denial NOA. 
    If the new member makes the entire household ineligible, send a 10-day NOA to discontinue the household's benefits.
    1. Note: A 10-day NOA is not required for RC.

Reminder: If the new member moved into the home in the SUBMIT month, it is considered a voluntary mid-period report. Follow the "Voluntary Mid-Period Report" chart on page 13-5.


SAR Payment Period: April through September:
A household makes a voluntary mid-period report on July 7th that she had a baby. The newborn has no income so it is determined that the household’s income remain under IRT. The newborn would be added August 1st.


SAR Payment Period: April through September:
A household makes a voluntary mid-period report on July 7th that her 19-year old daughter moved back home. The report is considered VUR. The daughter is working part-time but their new income does not exceed the IRT. The daughter and her income should be added and benefits must be adjusted effective the following month.


SAR Payment Period: April through September:
Client reports on her August SAR 7 received September 8th that her 19-year old daughter moved back home on July 7th and is working part-time. The daughter would be added October 1st (i.e., the first of the payment period after the new member was required to be reported on the SAR 7).

Household Refusal or Failure to Cooperate

The household must provide the information and verification needed to add the new member. Follow the charts below and on the next page to determine what actions to take when a household refuses or fails to provide the information and/or verification needed to add a new member to the household (Remember that the EW is responsible to assist the household to obtain verification when the household is unable to do so. Refer to Verification.

Semi-Annual Reporting Household Change Reporting Household
(not failure) to provide information/ verification

If the change was reported on the
SAR 7, then:

  • Immediately send a 10-day NOA to discontinue the household for refusal to cooperate.

If the change was voluntarily reported mid-period, then follow the "VOLUNTARY MID-PERIOD REPORT" charts above.

Immediately send a 10-day NOA to discontinue the household for refusal to cooperate.


(not refusal) to provide information/ verification

If the change was reported on the SAR 7 but required information and/or verification is missing, then:

  • The EW must immediately send a “Request for Information” (“Verification Checklist” or DFA 387) notice listing all missing information/ verification.
  • Wait until 10 days after the “Request for Information” notice is sent. If needed information and/or verification is not received, send a timely Notice of Action (NOA) to discontinue the household for Failure to Provide Information.


A household reports on their May SAR 7 (received on June 7th) that a new member moved into the home on May 10th. A “Verification Checklist” is sent on June 8th requesting information about the new member. If by June 18th, the household has not provided
the information and verification, a NOA must be sent to discontinue the household on June 30th for Failure to Provide Information.


A household reports on its June SAR 7 received July 15th that a new member moved into the home on June 3rd. A “Verification Checklist” is sent on July 18th requesting the client contact us within 10 days to provide the needed information/verifications.
The 10-day period ends on July 28th. Since a ten-day NOA can not be given to discontinue as of July 31st, the EW would send a NOA to
discontinue August 31st for Failure to Provide Information and declare an over-issuance for August.

A report from the household of a new member is considered VUR and the County must act on the change mid-period. Follow the steps on page 13-5.

When a new member is reported, but required information and/or verification is missing, the EW must send a “Request for Information”
(“Verification Checklist or DFA 387) notice listing all missing information/verification.

Wait until 10 days after the “Request for Information” notice is sent. If needed information and/or verification is not received, send a timely Notice of Action (NOA) to discontinue the household for Failure to Provide Information.


A new member is first reported on August 9th. A Verification Checklist is sent on August 15th requesting the client contact us within 10 days to provide the needed information/verifications. The 10-day period ends on August 25th. Since a ten-day NOA can not be given to discontinue August 31st, the EW would send a NOA to discontinue September 30th for Failure to Provide Information.

Budgeting Shelter Deductions

The new member's share of the existing household's expenses will be counted in the budget once the new member is added to the household.


A household consists of one child, with an SSI mother who is a nonhousehold member. A second child returns to the home in May, and is added to the household effective June 1st. A prorated one-half of the shelter costs for the home are currently budgeted. Begin budgeting two-thirds of the shelter expenses in June (excluding one-third for the SSI mother).

Previously Excluded Member

To add a previously excluded member to the household, determine prospective eligibility. Budget the previously excluded members income and expenses prospectively.

Discontinued HHs

Break of One Day or More

When a household reapplies for benefits after a break of one day or more, and a new member has joined the household:

  • The regulations for adding a person do not apply.
  • Follow the regulations for new applicant households and issue benefits for all household members (including the new member) effective the date of application, if eligibility is determined within the application processing timeframes. Refer to Application.


A mother and three children were discontinued from CalFresh on 11/30 for failure to submit October’s SAR 7. They reapply on 12/5 and report that the father returned home on 11/3. If eligibility is determined timely, benefits for all household members, including the father, will be paid effective 12/5.

Household Reports New Member After the Extended Filing Date

Follow these steps to add someone new to the household when the household failed to report the new member until after the extended filing date for the SAR Submit month when the new member should have been reported.


SAR Payment Period: February through July

At the RC on January 7th, a household reports that a new member moved in on June 10th. July is the submit month for changes which occurred since the household submitted their last SAR 7. The extended filing date is the first working day in August. Since the household did not report the new member until after that date, use the steps below when adding the new member.

  1. Determine whether the new person should have been a household member. Begin with the first month when the new member could have been added if the household had reported them in the home in a timely manner on the SAR 7. (In the example above, the new member would have been added August 1st if the household had reported the member on the June SAR 7, as required.) Determine for each month, up through the current month, whether the new member was/is:
    1. Related to anyone in the household (parent, child)?
    2. Purchasing or preparing meals with other household members?
    3. A minor under parental control of a household member?
      1. If YES, the new person is a household member. Go to STEP 2.
      2. If NO, the new person is not a household member. Document this on the Maintain Case Comments window and STOP HERE.
  2. Determine what forms, if any, are required to add the new members
    1. If the household is CE, then use the following forms:
      1. CW 8A; or
      2. CW 8; or
      3. SAWS 2 Plus.
    2. If the household is NA, then an application form is not required, but any of the forms listed above or a CF 285 may be used.
  3. Determine eligibility for the new member when the household reported the new member.
    1. For NA households, this may be done by phone, using the SAR 7, or by appointment with an application. If a new application is not taken, document the new member's information on, and sign and date, either of the:
      1. County Use Section of the “Application for CalFresh Benefits (CF 285) 
      2. Maintain Case Comments window
    2. For CE households, schedule an appointment to review the application forms.
    3. Review the following eligibility factors for the new member:
      1. Citizenship/non-citizenship status
      2. Income
      3. Resources
      4. Voluntary quit and work registration requirements
    4. Obtain the following for the new member:
      1. SSN or MC 194.
      2. Income verification, if applicable.
      3. Work registration, if applicable.
      4. Non-citizen status verification, if applicable.
  4. If information and verification needed to add the new member is not provided:
    1. Send a “Verification Checklist” or DFA 387 notice requesting the household to provide the information/verification within 10 days. At the end of the 10-day period, if the requested information/verification is not received, a 10-day NOA must be issued to discontinue the household for Failure to Provide Information.
    2. ExampleExample

      A household reports at it recertification appointment on January 7th that a new member moved in on June 10th. The EW sends a “Verification Checklist” requesting the information by January 17th. If the information is not provided by January 17th, the EW must send a NOA to discontinue the entire household effective January 31st.

  1. If the new member is eligible:
    1. Budget the new member's income and specific deductions (dependent care, excess medical expenses for the elderly/disabled) for the month(s) when the new member should have been added.
    2. Issue benefits beginning with the month after the new member was first reported (for our example, since the new person was reported at RC in January, this individual would be added as of February).
    3. DO NOT issue lost benefits for prior months.
    4. Establish an overissuance claim to recover any overissuance resulting from the unreported addition of the new household member.
    5. Send a NOA:
      1. Ten days in advance if benefits will be decreased or discontinued as a result of adding the new member.
      2. By the date of increase if benefits will be increased as a result of adding the new member.
      3. If there is an overissuance, send an overissuance NOA, along with a Repayment Agreement.
  2. If the new member is ineligible, send a denial NOA.
    If the new member makes the entire household ineligible, send a 10-day NOA to discontinue the household's benefits. Compute overissuances for any prior months of ineligibility.

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