Rights and Responsibilities

Universal Requirements

All applicants must be advised of the following information during the application interview:

  • Application processing time frames
  • ES availability and process
  • EBT Card and PIN responsibilities
  • 10 day notice of action process and exceptions
  • Nondiscrimination
  • Confidentiality
  • Appeal rights
  • A review of the pamphlet “Your Rights Under California Welfare Law” (Pub 13)
  • Sales tax may not be charged on approved items purchased with CalFresh
  • Penalties/sanctions for failure to:
    • Take required action,
    • Cooperate fully with a Quality Control Review.
  • 10-day mid-period reporting requirements:
    • Report when gross monthly income received exceeds the HH’s IRT, or
    • If applicable to the HH, report when an ABAWD work hours drop below an average of 20 hours per week or 80 hours total per month, or
    • Report when the HH is in receipt of substantial lottery and/or gambling winnings (EWs must verbally inform applicants of the substantial lottery and/or gambling winnings mid-period reporting requirement and that substantial winnings will result in the discontinuance of CalFresh benefits. EW must case document that the applicant was informed of this mandatory reporting requirement).
      • Important: Substantial lottery and/or gambling winnings are defined as being equal to or over the Elderly and/or Disabled resource limit. HHs do not need to report substantial winnings that are received prior to initial application.

  • Collect calls will be accepted from outside the local calling area. Refer to Customer Service topic in the DEBS CP Handbook. [MPP 63-300.414.]
  • The opportunity to receive uninterrupted benefits by the next normal issuance date after the certification period ends.

Inform the applicant of disqualifications or sanction time frames. Refer to Processing Time Frames [63-301] for examples.

Important: To obtain uniformity when explaining the Rights and Responsibilities to clients, Santa Clara County Staff must play the pre-recorded version to the client, whenever possible. (Until directed otherwise, EWs must verbally inform recipients of the substantial lottery/gambling winnings mid-period reporting requirement.)

PA Applicants [63-301.6]

Households in which all members are applying for PA shall be informed that they may apply for CalFresh at the same time.

GA Applicants

All GA applicants must be told that they are potentially CE for CalFresh, and given a SAWS1/ CF 285.

Mandatory Work Registrants [63-407]

Households with a mandatory work registration requirement shall be informed of their requirements to cooperate, and the consequences of not cooperating, or of quitting a job within 60 days prior to the date 60 days prior to the date of application without good cause.

Information Available on Request

On request, applicants/recipients shall be provided with a list of emergency food providers, and/or non-promotional information on local legal services and welfare rights organizations.

Non-English Speaking Households

Non-English speaking households must be informed of the right to have an interpreter, and when available, forms must be printed in their own language. The “Notice of Language Services” (GEN 1365) is required for all cases, regardless whether the household’s primary language is other than English. If a form or notice of action in not available in their language, then provide clients with a GEN 1365.

Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR 7) Explanation Requirement [63-300.41]

Semi-Annual reporting households must be provided with:

  • The “Semi-Annual Eligibility/Status Report” (SAR 7) and the SAR 7 Addendum.
  • The “Important Information About Your Semi-Annual Report Form” (SAR 7A).
  • A verbal explanation of the following components at intake and recertification interviews:
  • How to complete and submit the SAR 7,
    • When the SAR 7 needs to be submitted,
    • The SAR 7 verification requirements, and
    • Provide a telephone number that the client can use to contact an Eligibility Worker, ask questions, or to obtain assistance in completing the SAR 7.
  • “CalFresh Mid-Certification Period Status Report” (CF 377.5 SAR) with an explanation of how and when to complete it.
  • A telephone number where collect calls will be accepted.

Other Programs for Which the Client May Qualify

Explore eligibility for ALL programs requested and ALL benefits for which the client may qualify, and inform the client of potential eligibility. If a client has requested CalFresh benefits, but not Medi-Cal, determine if there is potential eligibility for Medi-Cal for anyone in the household (linkage, no health insurance, etc.)

Reminder: Refer to Medi-Cal (MC) Handbook regarding using a CalFresh Application for MC and complete information about the using forms SCD 90 and CF 285.

Client Understanding

Assure that the client understands what you are saying. Carefully review sections of the SAWS 2A SAR and SAWS 2 Plus or CF 285 pertaining to CalFresh rights and responsibilities.

Client Confidence

Leave the client with a feeling of confidence in you. You might not know all the answers to a client's questions. If there is an urgent problem, discuss it with your supervisor before the client leaves the office. If you cannot answer all the questions prior to the applicant leaving the office, assure the applicant that you will obtain an answer and contact them as soon as possible.

Related Topics

Applicant Interview Requirements