Household Composition

Whenever the EW determines that an URAM is residing with a family applying for or receiving CalWORKs, each case must be examined individually to assess whether the URAM is a roomer or boarder, a household member or a separate household.

  • SINGLE HOUSEHOLD: The URAM shall be considered a household member if he customarily purchases and prepares meals with the household.
  • BOARDER: The URAM shall be considered a boarder if he pays reasonable compensation to the household for meals and meets boarder criteria.
  • SEPARATE HOUSEHOLD: If eligible, the URAM shall be considered a separate CalFresh household only if he customarily purchases and/or prepares meals apart from the household.

Refer to URAM.

Unmarried Father

The unmarried father can never be a separate CalFresh household nor can he be considered a URAM for CalFresh purposes unless the only common child is an unborn. IF he meets the criteria of a separate household, he can only be considered a URAM until the child is born.

HH Member

If the URAM is part of the household, his income will count in the budget. An eligibility determination for the URAM must also be made.


If the URAM is a boarder, the money he pays the household shall be treated as boarder income. Refer to Boarders [63-402.3].

Non-household Member

If the URAM is not a boarder, and not a household member, the EW must explore the situation. If the URAM is a roommate, and merely shares expenses, no income is counted to the budget. If the URAM is a roomer, the income is counted as self-employment. Refer to Self-Employment [63-503.41].

For detailed policy information regarding URAMS refer to the CalWORKs Handbook Chapter 20, [Refer to “Unrelated Adult Male,” page 20-1].

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