Disaster CalFresh Program (DCFP)

These procedures are for use when a disaster causes the normal CalFresh issuance process to fail. (For example, an earthquake occurs and electricity and computer systems are disrupted for several days at SSA.)

These procedures are separate and distinct from the program called “Emergency Food Assistance in Disaster.” Refer to Application Processing For Displaced Households Due To California Disasters and Replacement Benefits Due To Household Misfortune.

The “Disaster Issuance Procedures” described here may be implemented alone or together with the “Emergency Food Assistance in Disaster” program.

Approval Process to Implement Disaster CalFresh Program (DCFP)

After a natural or man-made disaster occurs and a Presidential declaration of disaster with a provision for individual assistance has been made, SSA requests approval from FNS through CDSS to operate DCFP to provide temporary food assistance to households. DCFP assists people to buy food when they are experiencing an economic hardship as a result of the disaster (loss of jobs, loss of food because of power outages, damages to home and personal possessions, etc.).

The DCFP must be treated differently from the regular CalFresh Program. During the disaster period, normal CalFresh Program policies and procedures do not apply. The eligibility criteria regarding verification, income, resources, and citizenship status are relaxed.
The time frame to apply for DCFP is generally seven to ten days from the date of the disaster.

Disaster Application Sites

Three district offices are tentatively designated as centralized disaster application process sites: North County, South County and BSC. This designation may be changed at the time of a disaster, based on community needs and the functional state of these district offices.

District offices designated as disaster application processing centers shall EACH have:

  • A generator for electrical power outages.
  • Flashlights with live batteries (This requires periodic battery checks as a part of standard office procedures).
  • Sufficient shelf-stock of the following forms:
    • Application for Disaster CalFresh (DFA 385)
    • Income Worksheet (QR 30)
    • Food Stamp Budget Worksheet (CF 286 SAR)
    • Notice of Approval/Denial for Disaster CalFresh (DFA 390)
    • Caseload Listing of Disaster Issuance (SCD 1310)
    • Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Miscellaneous On-Line Request (SCD 2201)

Information Systems

Data Processing at Information Systems (IS) has a generator which will maintain its computer systems during a disaster, barring physical destruction of the generator or the facility. IS will produce the “Benefits” report on a monthly basis and distribute it to each district office. This report lists the level of cash aid and CalFresh benefits issued for the month.

Informational Posting

Each SSA District Office shall have a notice prominently posted in the lobby listing open SSA offices.

New Applicants/Continuing Households

Issuance Process

The process below provides specific instructions for each stage and person involved in the benefit issuance process for:

  • New applicant households, and
  • Continuing households which have already received their initial issuance, but are entitled to a supplemental issuance.
  1. DEBS Director
    1. Authorizes implementation of the “Emergency Activation Issuance Procedures” (Disaster Issuance Procedures).
  2. SSPM (at the Disaster Application Site)
    1. Instructs staff to implement the “Disaster Issuance Procedures”.
    2. Ensures that a notice is posted in the District Office lobby listing open SSA sites.
  3. EBT Project Manager
    1. Coordinates with IS and State and is the link between Information Systems and Operations.
  4. OMC
    1. Ensures Clerical staff follows Emergency Activation Issuance Procedures.
  5. Client
    1. Completes a DCFP application (DFA 385).
  6. Clerical ID
    1. If there is electricity, checks system for case name and number.
    2. If there is a case record, follows normal reception procedures.
    3. If there is no case record, assigns a case number using “CalSAWS Manual Case Number Creation Form.”
    4. If there is no electricity in a particular district office, have the EBT transmittal done by another district office with electricity.
    5. If there is no electricity in any district office, remotely access the administrative terminal using laptops. (It is essential that the batteries of the laptops are kept fully charged).
    6. If it is operational, continue using the host-to-host interface
    7. If the host-to-host interface is not operational, use the administrative terminal to set up clients, print cards and issue benefits. Issuing disaster logon ID’s and benefits can be issued through the disaster screens or the existing Benefit Add screen.
      1. Note: EBT security team will issue designated clerical staff with disaster logon IDs to be used during disaster period. Staff cannot issue disaster benefits without them.
    8. A user with a valid log-on ID and password can log on to any administrative terminal in the State.
  7. Eligibility Worker
    1. Conducts the interview.
    2. Verifies information as required or appropriate.
    3. Determines eligibility for DCFP and ensures benefits are available to the client within three calendar days of the date the application was filed.
    4. Completes the computation section in the DFA 385 to determine the eligibility and the amount of benefits to which the household is entitled. Refer Archived Benefit Issuance Tables.
    5. Explains the basis for the denial verbally and in writing using the “Notice of Approval/Denial for Disaster CalFresh (DFA 390) if the application is denied. A supervisor at the DCFP site will review on the spot all cases that are being denied before the applicant leaves the office.
    6. Informs the household the allotment, the length of the disaster benefit period, the proper use of CalFresh benefits, and provides the household with a Notice of Approval/Denial for Disaster CalFresh (DFA 390) if the application is approved.
    7. If benefits are approved, obtains supervisory approval for DCFP.
    8. Explains benefit issuance disaster process to client:
    9. Advises client of the food retailers that accept the EBT card.
    10. Advises client to take their EBT card to a functional food retailer to transact their CalFresh benefits.
    11. Emphasizes to the client that they must not share their PIN.
    12. Advises the household of the following
      1. Their rights and responsibilities
      2. The civil and criminal penalties which may apply if a violation of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 is committed
      3. That the household may be subject to a post-disaster review; and
      4. The address and telephone number of where the household may apply for the regular CalFresh.
    13. Manually completes an “Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Miscellaneous On-Line Request” (SCD 2201), for benefit issuance:
    14. Write “DISASTER” in red ink and capital letters across the top of the SCD 2201 form.
    15. File the copy of the form until it can be IDM’d.
    16. Hand-carry the SCD 2201 original to the CST.
  8. CST or Clerical
    1. Processes the SCD 2201 if EBT terminal or printer is accessible
    2. Uses Disaster Benefits Existing Clients CD for Benefit Amount for Continuing Clients.
    3. Records the disaster benefit issuance on the “Caseload Listing of Disaster Issuances” (SCD 1310) and obtains Benefit Authorization number. Enter the:
      1. Office Designation
      2. Program Designation (Benefit Issued)
      3. Case Number
      4. Type of Issuance
      5. Effective Date
      6. Issuance Date
      7. Payee Name
      8. Benefit Amount
        1. Uses the benefit type “DCFP” when authorizing CalFresh benefits during a disaster.
    4. Provides the EBT card to the client, or if EPPIC is down:
    5. Issue benefits using CalSAWS batch process
    6. Use operational office address for vendor to mail EBT card.
    7. If EBT is not accessible in the declared emergency area, yet is accessible from another district office, then refers the client to the nearest functioning district office to pick up their EBT care.
    8. Keep the SCD 2201 as a duplicate record of the disaster issuance for computer entries in CalSAWS when the computer system becomes operational.
    9. When CalSAWS system is operational after disaster implementation:
    10. Uses the CalSAWS Manual Case Number Creation form (see Exhibit S) and
    11. Refers to Caseload Listing of Disaster Issuances (SCD 1310)
    12. Follows Instructions for Manual Case Number Entry into CalSAWS when the system is operational.
      1. DEBS EBT Printer Locations, Office Address, and Printer ID
        1. Application Assistance Center (AAC – A5)
          1867 Senter Road, San Jose
          EBT Printer ID: 43PRINT901
        2. General Assistance Office (GA – R1)
          1919 Senter Road, San Jose
          EBT Printer ID: 43PRINT301
        3. Continuing Benefit Services Office (CBS – A6)
          1870 Senter Road, San Jose
          EBT Printer ID: 43PRINT600 & 43PRINT00E
        4. North County District Office (NC – D8)
          1300 W. Middlefield Road., Mountain View
          EBT Printer ID: 43PRINT400 & 43PRINT500
        5. South County District Office (SC – DL)
          379 Tomkins Court, Gilroy
          EBT Printer ID: 43PRINT700 & 43PRINT800
        6. Staff Development
          1877 Senter Road
          San Jose 95112
          EBT Printer ID: 43PRINT100
          1. Note: If the EBT printer is not functional, cards can be embossed from a designated printer, anywhere in the state, by entering the printer’s ID on the screen.

  9. Client
    1. Takes sealed embossed EBT card to the nearest EBT accepting food retailer.

HHs Certified Before the Disaster

Issuance Process

Benefits for continuing households shall be issued as they were the previous month. There is no change in benefit amount or in issuance process. If the continuing recipients who have already received their initial issuance, but applies for disaster CalFresh benefits, they are entitled to a supplemental issuance or replacement.

Reconciliation Process

Termination of Disaster Benefit Issuance

When CalSAWS becomes operational, all Administrative Terminal disaster issuances shall cease as of the close of business on that day.


Information of any benefits issued outside of CalSAWS, during a disaster, must be recorded into CalSAWS.

Reconciliation Stage Chart

The process below describes the stages of the reconciliation process which shall begin immediately after disaster benefit issuance ceases.

  1. IS
    1. Notifies the DEBS Director that CalSAWS is functioning.
  2. DEBS Director
    1. Advises SSA staff of the final date of disaster benefit issuance.
  3. CST/Clerical
    1. When CalSAWS system is operational after disaster implementation, enters necessary information in CalSAWS by using:
      1. The CalSAWS Manual Case Number Creation form,
      2. Caseload Listing of Disaster Issuances (SCD 1310), and
      3. Manual Case Number Entry into CalSAWS when the system is operational.
    2. Forwards the SCD 1310 to the SSPM and the EBT Project Manager.
      1. Note: Log entries may be reviewed by Administration as time and resources allow limiting duplicate issuances across offices.
  4. Eligibility Worker
    1. Refers to “Caseload Listing of Disaster Issuances”(1310) to identify cases which were issued disaster benefit issuances.
    2. Makes all necessary CalSAWS entries, including immediate need, NOA, and budget entries for those cases.

Related Topics

Disaster CalFresh Program (DCFP)