Ineligible Student Excluded Members

Definition [63-503.443]

This section explains the treatment of an individual who is an otherwise eligible member of the CalFresh HH per HH composition rules but is EXCLUDED from the CalFresh household due to his/her status as an:

  • Ineligible student.

Note: If an individual is NOT an otherwise eligible member of the CalFresh HH per HH composition rules, they are considered Non-household Members. Refer to Separate Household Status Determination.

Household Size

Do not include an excluded ineligible student member when determining household size.

Categorical Eligibility

Ineligible student excluded members are not considered when determining CE status.


Do NOT count the income of ineligible student excluded member(s).

Count any direct cash payments made by an excluded ineligible student member to the household as income, and allow any applicable deductions (e.g., room rental less the cost of doing business; room and board less the amount of the “Thrifty Food Plan”).

When the CalFresh household member's income and the ineligible student excluded member'(s) income are received in one combined (undifferentiated) payment, prorate the payment to determine the household's share.


Three household members and one excluded member receive a joint payment of $1000. Prorate to determine the household members' income; 3/4 times $1000 = $750 income to the household members.

Combined Payments

Follow the steps below when an excluded ineligible student household member and the CalFresh household receive a combined (undifferentiated) payment (such as child support).

  1. Divide (prorate) the combined payment among those persons for whom it was issued.
  2. Multiply the individual share of the payment by the number of ineligible student excluded members for whom the payment was issued to determine the excluded members' share.
  3. Subtract the excluded members’ share from the total payment.
  4. Count the remainder as income to the CalFresh HH.


A mother and three children receive support from the separated spouse. Their INFORMAL agreement is that he will pay $1000 per month for the family. The oldest child (age 19) attends college and is an ineligible student. She is excluded from CalFresh. The mother and the other two children receive CalFresh.
$1000  Child Support/Alimony
divided by 4
$250  Each individual's share
$1000  Child Support/Alimony
- 250  Ineligible student's share
$750  Child Support/Alimony counted as income to the CalFresh HH


Subtract from the household expenses any portion of dependent care or shelter costs which are separately billed to or paid by the excluded ineligible student member. Allow the actual expense paid by the CalFresh HH as its deduction.

If the actual expense cannot be differentiated, (i.e. the household and excluded member(s) pool their income to pay expenses), the expense must be prorated. Divide the expense by the number of eligible CalFresh HH members and contributing ineligible student excluded household members (WHO DO NOT PAY A FLAT RATE) to determine the CalFresh household's share.


A mother receives $608 CalWORKs monthly for herself and her child. She lives with her brother in a house they inherited from their parents. He is an ineligible student and they buy and prepare food together. He therefore is a excluded member of the CalFresh household.

They both deposit their income into a joint checking account which is used to pay the house payment which includes property taxes and insurance and utility bills including PG&E. The mortgage payment is $850 monthly.

$850 house payment divided by 3 contributors (2 CalFresh eligible + 1 ineligible student) times 2 (CalFresh eligible members) = $566.67 to the CalFresh budget.
Count SUA to the CalFresh budget.


Follow the chart below to determine what, where, and when to document for a CalFresh household which has a non-household member.


Does non-HH member:

  • Pool income with the CalFresh HH?
  • Pay for all or part of the expenses?
  • DFA 285-A2/SAWS 2,
  • Maintain Case Comments window
  • At intake,
  • When there is a change

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