Social Security Number Requirements


Non-assistance households must provide a SSN or proof of application for a SSN for each household member prior to certification.

Once a household member has provided a SSN or proof of application for one, and continues to be otherwise eligible, that member may receive benefits indefinitely pending verification of the SSN through IEVS.

Household members who have more than one SSN must provide all SSNs.

Exception: Victims of human trafficking, other serious crimes or non-citizen victims of domestic violence (battered non-citizens) who are eligible for CFAP benefits do not have to provide or apply for a SSN. Refer to Trafficking Victim, Victims of Serious Crimes and Battered Noncitizens for detailed policy information regarding victims of human trafficking, other serious crimes or battered non-citizens.

Expedited Services (ES) Household

ES households do not have to provide or apply for a SSN until after their first allotment, but must do so before their second allotment.

Proof of Application

Proof of application includes, but is not limited to:

  • A SSA Referral Notice (MC 194).
  • A SSA-5028.
  • A hospital-issued “Message from Social Security” (SSA-2853-OP4).

Social Security Locations

San Jose District OfficeSan Jose District Office

280 S. 1st St., Rm. 224
San Jose, CA 95113

Santa Teresa OfficeSanta Teresa Office

6140 Cottle Road
San Jose, CA 95123

East San Jose Branch OfficeEast San Jose Branch Office

2500 Fontaine Road
San Jose, CA 95121

Mt. View Branch OfficeMt. View Branch Office

700 E. El Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94040

Campbell Branch OfficeCampbell Branch Office

770 W. Hamilton Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008

Gilroy Branch OfficeGilroy Branch Office

1059 First Street
Gilroy, CA 95020


SSNs will be verified through IEVS. No other verification will be accepted or required.

Benefits will not be delayed to an otherwise eligible household because a SSN has not been verified.

[Refer to Common-Place Handbook, “IEVS Applicant System,” page 3-1, for IEVS instructions.]


The EW shall document on the application form (CSF 60, DFA 285-A2 or SAWS 2) when the SSN has been verified through IEVS.

Actions When a SSN is Missing

EWs will take the following steps when a SSN or proof of a SSN is missing.

  1. Inform the household member that proof of application from Social Security is required prior to certification.
  2. Provide the household member with a “Social Security Administration Referral Notice” (MC 194). Tell the household member where to apply and what information will be needed.
  3. Explain to the household that refusal, or failure without good cause, to provide or apply for a SSN will result in disqualification of the individual who does not have a SSN.
  4. Determine if good cause exists for any household member who has not complied with SSN requirements. Assist the household in obtaining a SSN when it has tried, but been unable to do so.
    1. Good cause exists if the member has applied for a SSN, or made every effort to supply Social Security with the information needed to apply for a SSN.
    2. Good cause does not include delays due to illness, lack of transportation, or temporary absences.
      1. Members with good cause are eligible for the month of application and the following month. Thereafter, good cause must be shown each month for the member to remain eligible.
  5. Certify only those household members who have provided a SSN or proof of application for a SSN.
  6. Disqualify and exclude any member(s) for whom a SSN or proof of application for a SSN has not been provided.
    1. Count the income and resources of the excluded member(s). Refer to Excluded and Non-household Members and Resources [63-501] for excluded members.
    2. Send a denial notice of action for the disqualified member at the same time that the approval notice is sent for the rest of the household.
  7. End the disqualification when the member becomes eligible by:
    1. Providing a SSN, or
    2. Providing verification of an application for a SSN, or
    3. Showing good cause for why an application for a SSN cannot be completed.

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