Transitional CalFresh Benefits

[63-504.13: ACL 20-129]


AB 231 was signed into law which provides Transitional CalFresh benefits to households who are terminating their participation in the CalWORKs program. Transitional CalFresh benefits are designed to help households retain CalFresh benefits after discontinuing from the CalWORKs program to help ensure success in the transition from welfare to work.

Entitlement to Transitional CalFresh benefits is determined by the worker without the household having to apply. Benefits are the same as the amount received by the household prior to its termination from CalWORKs, adjusted for the loss of the CalWORKs grant.

Households may apply for regular CalFresh during the transitional period. Regular CalFresh benefits will be determined based on their current circumstances, and if approved, Transitional CalFresh benefits will stop and all regular CalFresh requirements will apply.


A CalFresh HH who loses CalWORKs cash assistance or Tribal TANF in “good standing” is eligible to receive Transitional CalFresh benefits for up to five months with certain exceptions. Refer to Exceptions.  To streamline reference to TCF and CalFresh households, the term “CalWORKs household” refers to both federally funded and state funded CalWORKs AUs, and Tribal TANF.

A CalFresh HH is eligible to receive Transitional CalFresh when eligibility to CalWORKs cash assistance is lost even if all CalFresh HH members were not receiving CalWORKs cash assistance. At least one CalWORKs member must have received CalFresh and CalWORKs in the month of the CalWORKs discontinuance to qualify for TCF. If an individual CalWORKs household member has been sanctioned, but the remainder of the household continues to receive CalWORKs, then the remaining non-sanctioned household members may receive TCF upon CalWORKs discontinuance. 

CalWORKs households that are eligible for TCF include, but are not limited to those discontinued from CalWORKs in good standing due to any of the following:

  • Discontinued from CalWORKs due to excess income or property limits for CalWORKs eligibility. The new IRT for CalFresh does not impact TCF rules. If the household is eligible to TCF then changes in income are not considered when determining the amount of benefits the household is eligible to during the TCF benefit period.
  • Households that voluntarily requested to close their CalWORKs case.
    • Households that request discontinuance of CalWORKs the last month of the current certification period or the SAR 7 submit month are eligible for TCF, even if a discontinuance NOA was issued for failure to complete redetermination or the SAR 7. The reason for the CalWORKs discontinuance must be due to a household’s request to close the case.
  • The reason the CalWORKs case discontinued is due to a parent timing out or child aging out when that individual was the last eligible person in the household.
  • A CalWORKs household that is disqualified due to a CalWORKs rule change.
  • If the other county does not approve the CalWORKs ICT, then the household may be eligible for Transitional CalFresh benefits from Santa Clara County for up to five months.


CalWORKs/CalFresh HH notifies the EW on 04/30/04 that the household has moved out of county. EW sends ICT packet on 04/30/04 and discontinues the CalWORKs and CalFresh benefits effective 05/31/04. On 06/02/04, the EW contacts the other county and is advised the other county did not pick up the ICT since the client failed to show for her interview. Santa Clara County would issue Transitional CalFresh benefits beginning in 06/04 (State PI).


The following households are NOT eligible to receive Transitional CalFresh benefits:

  • All CalWORKs household members applied and were approved for SNAP and/or TANF benefits in another state.
  • A household discontinued from CalWORKs for failing to submit a complete SAR 7.
    • Note: If a household submits a SAR 7 and fails to meet all of the CalWORKs reporting requirements, but meets the CalFresh requirements, then EWs must evaluate the household’s ongoing eligibility for CalFresh. The household should be converted to a NACF household, retain the current certification period, and benefits are to be calculated based upon the information provided on the SAR 7 and the removal of the CalWORKs grant from the CalFresh benefit calculation.

    • ExampleExample

      The public assistance CalFresh (PACF) household submits a SAR 7 and fails to answer a CalWORKs-only question. The household does not respond to the NA 960Y and is discontinued from CalWORKs following normal CalWORKs procedures. The household had provided all information required to be reported for CalFresh and based on the information provided the household continues to be eligible to CalFresh. The case must be converted to a NACF and the household’s current certification period continues.TCF is not issued.

      If the household submits the SAR 7 in the month following the discontinuance from CalWORKs, effectively restoring the CalWORKs case, then the household would be converted back to PACF and CalFresh benefits adjusted for the inclusion of the CalWORKs grant with a timely and adequate notice.

    • ExampleExample

      The PACF household fails to submit a SAR 7 and does not respond to the NA 960X. The household is discontinued at the end of the submit month from both CalWORKs and CalFresh following existing procedures. TCF is not issued to the household.

  • A household discontinued from CalWORKs for failing to submit an application for, or complete the RD/RC.
    • Note: If the household does not respond to the request for RD/RC or submits an application for RD/RC and fails to complete the RD/RC process, the household will not be eligible for TCF benefits at the time the CalWORKs and CalFresh benefits are stopped. If the household completes the RC, but fails to complete the CalWORKs RD, and is otherwise eligible to CalFresh, then the EW must set-up a new certification period converting the household to a NACF household because the household is ineligible to TCF.

  • A household discontinued from CalWORKs due to loss of state residency.
  • A CalFresh household containing two or more CalWORKs cases in which all of the CalWORKs cases are not being discontinued. ALL CalWORKs benefits to the CalFresh HH must be discontinued in order for the household to be eligible to receive Transitional CalFresh.
    • ExampleExample

      A mother and her 18-year old son receive CalWORKs. Her 20-year old daughter and her baby also receive CalWORKs in a separate case. They are all on CalFresh in the mother’s case. When her 18-year son graduates from high school, the mother’s CalWORKs case is discontinued. Since some members of the CalFresh HH will continue to receive CalWORKs (the daughter), this CalFresh household is NOT eligible to receive Transitional CalFresh benefits.

  • CalWORKs is discontinued due to a CalWORKs sanction or disqualification. This would occur when the eligible CalWORKs individual is:
    • Sanctioned for failing to cooperate with CalWORKs ES or for failing to meet the school, immunization, child support or any other requirement of CalWORKs.
    • Defined as a fleeing felon or probation/parole violator.
  • All CalFresh household member are discontinued due to a CalFresh sanction or disqualification. This would occur when:
    • The CalFresh household is QC sanctioned
    • Disqualified for IPV.
      • Note: A TCF HH that fails to or refuses to cooperate with a QC review must be discontinued for failure to cooperate with QC reviews. If there is a break in receipt of Transitional CalFresh benefits, the household must reapply for regular CalFresh.

    • ExampleExample

      The Transitional CalFresh household is reported to be noncompliant on 06/02 and the notice to discontinue is sent on 06/03. The client complies on 07/05. Since there is a break in Transitional CalFresh benefits, the household must reapply for regular CalFresh. However, if they comply by 06/30, there would be no break in Transitional CalFresh benefits and Transitional CalFresh continues.

  • All CalWORKs household members are ineligible for CalFresh due to any of the following reasons:
    • Disqualified for an IPV.
    • Ineligible due to CalFresh student eligibility rules and the County has determined that they are not eligible for an exemption from that rule.
    • Ineligible due to CalFresh noncitizen eligibility rules (under state or federal regulations)
    • Disqualified for failing to comply with the requirements of the ABAWD time limit rule.
    • Disqualified for intentionally transferring resources for the purpose of qualifying or attempting to qualify for CalFresh. Note: Resources are currently not considered for MCE households.
    • Disqualified for receipt of multiple benefits (i.e. duplicate participation).
    • Disqualified for being a fleeing felon, probation, or parole violator.
      • Note: If not all of the CalWORKs household members are ineligible for any of the reasons outlined above, the remaining CalWORKs household members who leave CalWORKs in good standing may receive TCF upon discontinuance. In this scenario, only the ineligible household member(s) must be excluded from the TCF household. The TCF household size will be based on the size of the CalWORKs household, excluding ineligible members, at the time of the CalWORKs discontinuance.

  • Households receiving RCA.
  • CalWORKs households receiving Aid Paid Pending.
    • ExampleExample

      The client did not show up for the recertification appointment on 03/10/08. CalWORKs and CalFresh discontinued 03/31/08. The client requested a hearing, received a hearing date the first week in May, and was granted Aid Paid Pending for CalWORKs only since the certification period for CalFresh ended 03/31/08. Aid Paid Pending was not applicable for CalFresh; however, Transitional CalFresh was issued effective 04/01/08.

      Benefits received:

      March-CalWORKs and CalFresh issued (last month of regular CalFresh) April-Aid Paid Pending for CalWORKs and Transitional CalFresh issued for CalFresh
      • (Transitional CalFresh terminated 04/30 due to receipt of Aid Paid Pending for CalWORKs)


      Transitional CalFresh must be discontinued effective 04/30 since Aid Paid Pending was granted for CalWORKs. Once CalWORKs is approved, including Aid Paid Pending, Transitional CalFresh must stop. The household must reapply for regular CalFresh. Since the client lost the hearing, and CalWORKs benefits discontinued 05/31, Transitional CalFresh will not be issued again. In order for Transitional CalFresh to be received, CalWORKs and regular CalFresh must be received in the month a regular CalFresh household loses CalWORKs.

      May-Aid Paid Pending for CalWORKs and no CalFresh (client did not submit a regular CalFresh application) CalWORKs appeal was subsequently lost and Aid Paid Pending terminated 05/31.

    • ExampleExample

      Same as above, however benefits were received as follows:

      • March-CalWORKs and CalFresh issued (last month of regular benefits)
      • April-Aid Paid Pending for CalWORKs and Transitional CalFresh issued. (County was unable to discontinue Transitional CalFresh in April, due to lack of 10-day NOA).
      • May-Aid Paid Pending for CalWORKs. Transitional CalFresh issued. (Transitional CalFresh benefits will discontinue 05/31 due to household getting CalWORKs).
      • On May 15th the household loses its CalWORKs hearing and CalWORKs Aid Paid Pending is discontinued 05/31.

      The household is not eligible for a new five-month Transitional CalFresh period effective June 1 and the Transitional CalFresh benefits will not be reinstated to finish out the remaining three months. In order for Transitional CalFresh to be received for an additional five months, CalWORKs and regular CalFresh must be received in the months a regular CalFresh household loses CalWORKs eligibility. CalWORKs eligibility includes Aid Paid Pending.

      Household receiving a zero basic grant for CalWORKs

    • ExampleExample

      If the case is a “zero basic grant” due to administrative cost, (e.g. no grant is issue due to the payment being below $10) technically, the case is still receiving cash aid, but just not eligible to receive it at present. There is no eligibility for Transitional CalFresh

    • ExampleExample

      If the CalWORKs grant is adjusted to zero due to an overpayment adjustment, the household is still considered to be receiving cash aid; therefore, there is no eligibility for Transitional CalFresh.

      • A household which chooses to receive a lump sum diversion payment instead of regular CalWORKs
      • A household which is issued a CalWORKs immediate need payment, then CalWORKs is denied due to ineligibility.

      If an Immediate Need is issued and the CalWORKs is subsequently denied, there is no eligibility for Transitional CalFresh. The household must be receiving CalWORKs and regular CalFresh to be eligible for Transitional CalFresh.

  • CalWORKs households that have an active Family Reunification plan.  
    • Note: Households will remain eligible for Calfresh and not transition to TCF

    • ExampleExample

      If a child is removed from the CalFresh household mid-period, the allotment will be recalculated to not include the child for the remainder of the certification period. The household members will remain eligible for CalFresh as long as they continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

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Transitional CalFresh Benefits