Immediate Need Eligibility

[EAS 40-129.2]

Apparently Eligible

“Apparently eligible” means that the information provided on the Statement of Facts and information otherwise available to the EW indicates that the applicant would be eligible if the information was verified.

In order to be apparently eligible:

  • A non-citizen applicant must provide verification of eligible "non-citizen" status or show that the "exception criteria" is met.
  • A pregnant woman with no eligible children must provide acceptable medical verification of the pregnancy.

Emergency Situation

The following situations constitute an emergency for IN:

Lack of Housing

Meets the criteria to be homeless.

Refer to Financial Eligibility.

Pending eviction Has received ANY KIND of eviction notice, including a three day notice to pay or quit.
Lack of food Does not have enough food to sustain the family for a period of three calendar days.
Utility shutoff Has received any type of notification that utilities will be shut off, including telephone service.
Transportation Is unable to meet essential transportation needs such as those relating to food, medical care, or job opportunity.
Clothing Lacks essential clothing such as diapers or clothing needed for inclement weather.
Other Has other emergencies of similar importance to the family's immediate health and safety.

Liquid Resources

Liquid resources are defined as exempt and nonexempt items of value which are immediately available and reasonably convertible to cash in time to meet the emergency situation and which belong to persons who would be included in the AU. This includes, but is not limited to cash, negotiable securities, and similar resources. This does not include the cash surrender value of insurance policies, trust deeds, household items and furnishings, personal effects, motor vehicles, or real property.

Excess Liquid Resources

To determine if the applicant has excess liquid resources, use the following chart:

IF the emergency situation... THEN Liquid Resources...
Involves transportation, Must be less than the cost of the emergency.
Is a pending eviction, Together with income must be less than the rent owing.
Is any other emergency situation, Must be less than $100.00.

If it is determined that the applicant has liquid resources in excess of the amounts listed above, the IN must be denied in CalSAWS.

Technical Conditions

Technical conditions for CalWORKs are:

  • Verification of, or application for a SSN.
  • Application for unconditionally available income (includes UIB and DIB).
  • Cooperation with the LCSA (signature on the “Child/Spousal and Medical Support Notice and Agreement” [CW 2.1]).

Eligibility Conditions

Eligibility for an IN payment exists if the applicant meets ALL of the following conditions:


Be apparently eligible for CalWORKs.

Note: A non-citizen who does not provide verification of non-citizen status is NOT apparently eligible.

A woman with no eligible children who does not provide verification of pregnancy is NOT apparently eligible.


Have an emergency situation which cannot be addressed by the:

  • Issuance of CalFresh, or
  • Homeless Assistance, or
  • By referral to a community resource.
3. Not have excess liquid resources.
4. Have complied with the technical conditions of eligibility.

Applicants who are aided from other states are treated in every way as applicants in California and are eligible to request an IN.

Related Topics


IN Request Procedures

Community Resources

Expedited Determination of Eligibility


Completing Process

Other Hand Typed Warrants