SSN Rules

Client Responsibility

Each applicant/recipient member of the AU (except the unborn) must, as a condition of eligibility:

  • Provide their SSN or numbers if more than one, or proof of a “completed” SSN application, within 30 days following the date of application.
    • Note: Aid may be authorized as soon as the SSN has been provided. The client may be allowed up to six weeks to provide verification of the number.

  • Cooperate in obtaining an SSN. Refer to steps below.
  • Cooperate in resolving any discrepancies regarding the SSN (such as those arising from a cross-check of agency SSN files with those of the Social Security Administration). This generally will involve the use of the “SSA Referral Notice” (MC 194), but other verification from SSA will also be acceptable.

Exception: Victims of human trafficking, other serious crimes or non-citizen victims of domestic violence (battered non-citizens) who are eligible for state-funded CalWORKs benefits do not have to provide or apply for a SSN.

Obtaining an SSN

Cooperation in obtaining an SSN means:

  1. Applying directly to the local Social Security Office using the MC 194, OR Applying at the hospital for a newborn's SSN at the same time information is provided for the birth certificate, and receiving the “Information About When You Will Receive Your Baby's Social Security Card” (Form SSA-2853).
  2. Making every effort to obtain required information and submit it to Social Security in cases where additional information or documentation is required by Social Security.
  3. Submitting proof of the “completed” SSN application, i.e,:
    1. For the MC 194 within 30 days
    2. The SSA-2853, by the last day of the month following release from the hospital, or
    3. Any other statement from the Social Security office.
  4. Note: Furnishing the SSN card to the EW when it is received. If the IEVS report indicates the SSN is "W" Verified, viewing the card is not necessary.

Completed Application

A “completed” SSN application is an application that was accepted and is being processed by Social Security. The MC 194 can no longer state “pending” further information.

Typical turnaround time to receive the Social Security Card is 4-6 weeks. Verification of the SSN MUST be received by the end of this time. If the SSN is not received, cash aid must be discontinued for that person. Establish Medi-Cal and CalFresh, if otherwise eligible.


[40-105.2, .221]

Application for an SSN for newborns, who are to be added to the AU, may be accomplished as follows:

  • Acceptable proof of application for an SSN is the SSA-2853 (or equivalent accepted by Social Security as such) that contains the name of the newborn and the date and signature of the authorized hospital official. When the application for an SSN is taken by the hospital the SSN must be received by the EW within six months or at the time of the next RD, whichever occurs first. The EW must create a Reminder in CalSAWS for follow up in three months.
  • When an equivalent form is used by the hospital, you must determine if Social Security accepted that form as “enumeration at birth” (EAB) or if they processed it through the normal SSN application process. Use the following chart to determine the time frames depending on the type of application:
If Social Security... Then the time frame for reporting the SSN is...
Accepted the equivalent form as EAB, Within six months or at the time of the next RD.
Did not accept the form provided by the hospital as EAB, but processed the application using the MC 194 process, When received no later than the end of six weeks.
  • For newborns where the application for an SSN was not made at the hospital, the client must obtain the MC 194 and complete the application process with Social Security. The MC 194 must be returned to the EW no later than the last day of the month following the month the mother is released from the hospital. The SSN must be provided to the EW when received.

ExampleExampleMother was discharged from the hospital on February 15, she has through March 31 to apply for an SSN for the newborn and submit proof of a “completed” SSN application.

ExampleExampleMother gave birth on May 8, but was not released from the hospital until May 20. She reported the birth of the child on the May SAR 7 requesting that the child be added to her grant. The time period to apply for an SSN for the child and submit proof of a “completed” SSN application to the EW begins on May 21 and ends on June 30.

ExampleExampleSame scenario as above, but the mother remained in the hospital until June 2 due to complications. She has through July 31 to apply for an SSN for the child and submit proof of a “completed” SSN application.

Authorizing Aid Payment

When the mother meets specific requirements, newborns are eligible for payment upon notification of the newborn’s information, pending receipt of necessary CalWORKs cash aid verifications (e.g. birth certificate, application for a Social Security Number, CW 8A). Refer to “Immediate Medi-Cal Authorization For Newborn.

EW Responsibility

The EW must inform the applicant/recipient of their responsibility to provide an SSN or obtain proof of a “completed” SSN application and document the method of verification in the Journal page of CalSAWS.

Authorizing Aid Payment

Payment cannot be made for individuals, requesting aid until the SSN is provided, or there is proof of a “completed” SSN application on file. A person may not be added to an existing AU until meeting this requirement.

  • Deny the application for any individual who refuses or fails to provide an SSN or proof of a “completed” SSN application within 30 days after the date of application for assistance.
  • The entire AU is ineligible if the individual is the only eligible child, and the caretaker relative refuses or fails to provide either an SSN or verification that an application for an SSN was “completed” within 30 days from the date of application.

Time Frames

New applicants must provide an SSN or proof of a “completed” SSN application from Social Security within 30 days from the date of application or aid is not granted for that person. Refer to Beginning Date of Aid and Adding a Person to the AU for examples.

Exception: Victims of human trafficking, other serious crimes or non-citizen victims of domestic violence (battered non-citizens) who are eligible for state-funded CalWORKs benefits do not have to provide or apply for a SSN.

Continuing cases must have verification of an SSN or proof of a “completed” SSN application on file in order for aid to be granted. When proof of a “completed” SSN application is on file use the following chart to determine the time frames for the client to provide the SSN:

IF the “completed” SSN application is an... THEN the recipient must provide the SSN...
MC 194, or other SSA document, By the end of six weeks.
SSA-2853, Within six months after receipt of the number, OR at redetermination, whichever occurs first.

EW Follow-Up

The EW must do the following when proof of a “completed” SSN application is on file:

  1. Create a Reminder in CalSAWS for follow up in:
    1. 4 weeks when an MC 194 or other SSA document is on file, or
    2. 3 months when the SSA-2853 is on file.
    3. Note: Obtain the SSN at RD if that occurs first.

  2. Notify recipients who have not furnished SSN's before the end of the appropriate time frame, and:
    1. Advise them that if they have not received their SSN card, they must recontact SSA regarding the delay of their SSN.
    2. Give them until the end of the time frame to provide the SSN.
  3. Discontinue all recipients who have not provided an SSN by the end of the time frame with a timely and adequate notice of action.

Example: Baby is born in December and the mother applies for the SSN in the hospital. She completes the CW 8A in January and provides all required verifications. The baby is added to the AU effective January. The mother has until July to provide verification of the SSN, unless the annual RD occurs before July.

IF... THEN...
The SSN is due in July,

Create a Reminder for review in March.

If the SSN is not provided by July 1, remove the child from the AU effective July 30.

The SSN is due at the annual RD, The SSN must be provided in the RD month. In any case, the client must be allowed 6 weeks from the date of birth to provide the SSN.

Verification in Case Record

Acceptable verification of the Social Security Number which must be in the case record includes:

  • A copy of the SSN card or SSA's form series OA-702 or any other official SSA document which denotes the applicant's SSN, including the SSA-2853 used for newborns while still in the hospital.
  • A copy of an award letter, Medicare card, or a check from SSA showing the applicant's/recipient's name and SSN with the letters A, HA, JT, or M following the SSN.
  • An IEVS abstract indicating the SSN is "W" Verified.

Note: When verifying a client's SSN or that an application for an SSN has been made, the EW may use any official document issued from the Social Security Administration. This includes WTPY, the Receipt for SSN Application or any other computerized verification directly from SSA. If the EW has a MEDS Screen showing a Social Security Number Verification code of “J”, this is acceptable verification of SSN for CalWORKs but must be Imaged into the case.

Follow these rules:

IF... THEN...
Acceptable verification of the SSN is on file, Enter a check in the SSN verified box for each person listed on the appropriate statement of facts.
The SSN is not verified and other action is pending, Document this in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.
The client has no verification of an SSN, or that an application has been made for an SSN, Follow the procedures to secure an SSN.

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