
Beginning Date of Aid (BDA)

The BDA for adding a newborn to the AU is the month following the date of birth when the mother received the pregnancy special need.


The beginning date of aid for a newborn is set by the date the birth is reported. This applies even when the mother is not eligible (i.e., ineligible non-citizen) or if the mother has not previously notified the EW of the pregnancy.

Ineligible Mother

ExampleExamplePregnant mother is an ineligible non-citizen and has two children receiving CalWORKs. The baby is born November 3rd, the SAR 7 for November is received December 8th and the birth is reported. The CW 8A is sent to the client. The completed CW 8A and all verifications are provided. The beginning date of aid for the newborn is the first of the month of the next payment period, which in this example is January.

Untimely Reporting

ExampleExampleMother receives CalWORKs for herself and two children. When she comes in for her RD on March 16, she informs the EW that she had a baby on December 22. She had never previously notified the EW of the pregnancy or the birth. The beginning date of aid is April 1, the first of the month following when she requested aid and provided verifications.

Note: EWs must advise pregnant persons to inform their EW of the birth as soon as the baby is born.

Immediate Medi-Cal Authorization For Newborn

All mandatory inclusion rules and other eligibility requirements continue to apply.

Newborn Reported Timely

Medi-Cal must be granted immediately for a newborn, including a newborn determined to be an MFG child, upon notification of the newborn’s name, date of birth, gender, and if the child is residing with the mother. The newborn’s information may be obtained from the parent via telephone pending receipt of necessary CalWORKs cash aid verification (e.g. birth certificate, application for a Social Security Number, "Statement of Facts to Add Child Under Age 16" (CW 8A).

The newborn is deemed CalWORKs eligible when the mother was receiving Medi-Cal at the time of the newborn’s birth and the newborn resides with the mother.

Note: This also applies when the mother is an ineligible non-citizen.

Interview Requirement

The face-to-face interview requirement does not apply when adding a newborn if all the above conditions are met. The verifications and forms may be returned via mail and the EW must take the following action:

  • Review the “Statement of Facts to Add Child Under Age 16” (CW 8A) for completeness,
  • Compare the signature on the CW 8A with the SAWS 2 and other signed documents on file to ensure there are no discrepancies, and
  • Interview both parent/caretakers on the telephone, assure they understand and document such in the [Journal] page of CalSAWS.

Note: The EW will require the parents to attend a face-to-face interview when contact is necessary to complete absent parent, paternity forms, etc., or clarify inconsistent information discovered.

Newborn Not Reported Timely

When the AU does NOT report the birth of a newborn timely (i.e. on the first SAR 7 following the birth), cash-linked Medi-Cal for the newborn will begin in the month following the child’s’ birth after eligibility has been established and all verification has been provided.

Related Topics

BDA Rules

Requesting Information

Second Parent of the Newborn

Adding Persons to the AU