Second Parent of the Newborn


When adding the second parent of the newborn to the AU, the BDA is the date the newborn child becomes eligible, the date the second parent meets eligibility conditions and the addition of the second parent will not cause a decrease, whichever is later.

AU of 1, Second Parent in Home

In cases where a pregnant mom is an AU of 1 and the second parent is in the home at application, the EW will add the second parent and the newborn, when born, into the AU the first of the month following the report of the birth, after all verification has been provided, unless adding them would result in a decrease to the grant. The second parent and the unborn may be added to the AU of One case separately, when circumstances allow to maximize the cash aid. It is not a requirement to add them at the same time. The CW 8 is required for the second parent and the CW 8A is required for the newborn.

If... Then...
Adding the newborn will result in an increase to the grant amount,, add the newborn the first of the month after the birth is reported and all conditions of eligibility have been met.
Adding the newborn will result in a decrease in the grant amount, add the newborn the first day of the next SAR Payment Period, and after all conditions of eligibility have been met.
Adding the second parent will result in an increase to the grant amount, add the second parent the first of the month after the birth is reported and all conditions of eligibility have been met.
Adding the second parent will result in a decrease in the grant amount, add the second parent the first day of the next SAR Payment Period, and after all conditions of eligibility have been met.

Reminder: Review work registration requirements; there may have been changes since the last determination.


An AU of One case where the parents are married and residing in the home at CW application. The second parent is employed part-time, working 10 hours a week with a gross monthly income of $225. The pregnant parent is approved for CW with unemployed parent deprivation and the AU’s SAR payment period is January through June.

In April, the AU reports that the second parents’ income increased to an amount under the AU’s IRT in February. It is also reported that the birth of the newborn occurred in March. While both were reported in the same month, the events are two separate changes and should be treated accordingly. Each change shall be evaluated independently and only act on that which results in an increase to the cash aid.

The eligibility of the newborn must be evaluated to determine deprivation and financial eligibility, if deprivation exists, and all other conditions of eligibility are met, the newborn may be added the first of the month following the reported birth.

The determination of adding the second parent must be evaluated. If adding the second parent would result in an increase to the cash aid, the second parent will also be added the first of the month following the reported birth, as long as all other conditions of eligibility are met.

In this example, even though the change in income took place prior to the birth of the child, it occurred after the AU of One was already established and the income is under IRT, therefore, the report is considered voluntary. The income that was considered at application will continue to be used in determining the cash grant amount for the remainder of the payment period for the AU of two. Since the increased income would result in a decrease to the existing AU’s cash aid, the second parent would be added the first day of the month of the following SAR payment period.

AU of 1, Second Parent Returns Home Prior to Birth

When the second parent returns to the home at any time after application but before the birth of the newborn, deprivation and other eligibility factors must be redetermined.

An eligibility redetermination must be made and a new SAWS 2 must be signed, to determine that deprivation exists.

If the family (second parent, pregnant woman and unborn) is eligible, the pregnant woman's aid continues and the second parent is added to the AU the month following the newborn date of birth or the first of the month following the SAR payment period, whichever is most advantageous for the AU.

Reminder: When both parents are in the home, deprivation must be established. Regardless of who the principal earner is in a U-case, however, only the mother can be in the AU of one.

Second Parent Returns Home After the Birth

When the second parent returns to the home after the birth of his child, deprivation and other eligibility factors must be re-established for the family:

  • Customer Information pages in CalSAWS must be updated,
  • A new SAWS 2 must be signed, and
  • The beginning date of aid rule for including mandatory persons applies using SAR/prospective budgeting rules.
  • Any change in eligibility or cash aid amount resulting from a change in deprivation shall be effective the first day of the next SAR payment period.

Example 1    

An unmarried AU of One case where the partially employed second parent of the unborn moves into the home after the AU of One is established. The pregnant parent was approved for CW in January with absent parent deprivation, and the SAR payment period is January through June.

In April, it is reported that the newborn was born in February and the second parent moved into the home in March. After evaluating the second parent’s income and recalculating the cash grant for the remainder of the SAR payment period for an AU of three, it is determined that including the second parent’s income would cause a
decrease in the grant, but it would not render the entire AU ineligible. As deprivation has been established for the newborn, and all other conditions of eligibility are met for the AU, adding only the newborn would have a positive impact on the grant. The second parent would be added effective July 1, the first month of the following SAR payment period.

Example 2    

An unmarried AU of One case in which the fully employed second parent of the unborn moves into the home after the AU of One is established. CW is granted in January with absent parent deprivation, and the SAR payment period is January through June.

In April, it was reported that the newborn was born in February and the fully employed second parent moved into the home in March. Deprivation alone cannot be acted upon mid-period as this is a voluntary mid-period report. Each change must be evaluated separately and sequentially.

Although deprivation existed at birth, the birth of the newborn was not reported until April. In this case, even if deprivation would have continued, the newborn no longer meets the financial eligibility criteria, as the income from the second parent exceeds the eligibility limit for an AU of three. Since this results in a negative action to the case, SAR rules require that the eligibility be deferred until the following SAR payment period for the newborn and second parent. The AU of One maintains current eligibility, including the pregnancy special need payment, until the end of the current payment period.

Had the birth been reported in February and the child added to the AU prior to the second parent moving into the home, the AU of two would have remained eligible for the remainder of the SAR payment period.

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BDA Rules

Requesting Information


Adding Persons to the AU