Adding Persons to the AU

Mandatory Members of the AU

A “Coversheet and Application for Cash Aid, CalFresh and/or Medi-Cal/State County Medical Services Program (CMSP)” (SAWS 1) is not required when adding a mandatorily included person to the AU.


The grandmother of a child is a needy caretaker relative and receives CalWORKs for herself and one grandchild. The mother of the child moves into the home temporarily, on January 6, while she looks for adequate housing for herself. The grandmother continues to be the caretaker of the child, even though the mother is in the home.

The grandmother notifies the EW, in a timely manner (January 13), that the mother is now in the home. They must complete all forms (Statement of Facts) to have the mother added to the AU. A determination of caretaker relative status must be completed to insure that the grandmother remains the caretaker entitled to receive CalWORKs. However, due to the mandatory inclusion rule, the mother must be in the AU, with all her income and resources counted. The BDA is the 1st of the month of the next payment period, assuming all eligibility requirements are met.


The AU consists of a mother and her two separate children. The unmarried second parent and the common child have been excluded as the second parent, who is the Principal Earner (PE), was fully employed. At the RD on May 6th, the EW discovers that the unmarried second parent has been unemployed since February 1st, and receiving UIB.

The common child has U-parent deprivation. The deprivation alone does not require that the common child and unmarried second parent to be included in the AU. The income and resources of the unmarried second parent are counted to the AU.  The income and resources of the unmarried second parent are to be evaluated to determine if the common child meets the non-linking eligibility requirments to be added to the AU. If the income and resources meet the non-linking requirements, then the income and property of the second parent are counted to the AU as of the date that eligibility would have started (for example, after he had been unemployed for four weeks [March 1]). For the period U-deprivation was not reported, the second parent and his child are considered non-AU members and his income (UIB) is included in the CalWORKs budget. The BDA for the second parent and the common child is June 1, the 1st of the month following when the EW became aware of the deprivation for the common child, providing eligibility can be established as of that date.

If the common child does not meet both the linking and non-linking factors, then aid would be continued for the mother and her two separate children and the second parent and common child would be excluded.


An absent second parent who is employed returns home on August 6. The mother reports his return on the August SAR 7, received September 5. On August 21, the second parent who is the PE, lost his job. Since he has not been unemployed for four weeks (28 calendar days), he is not eligible to be included in the AU until October.

Optional Person Added to the AU


Optional persons are those who are not required to be in the AU. However, the caretaker relative may choose to have them included. The SAWS 1 or the SAR 7 is used as the application form. For more information and a complete discussion of AU Composition, Refer to AU Composition.

The EW must explain to the caretaker relative the effect of having the optional person in the AU.

If Adding the Optional Person Will... Then the Optional Person...
Result in an increase to the grant, Will be added the 1st of the month following the month aid is requested.
Result in a decrease to the grant, Will not be added until the 1st of the upcoming SAR payment period.

Note: All conditions of eligibility must be met, the necessary pages in Customer Information completed and the Statement of Facts signed to add the person, prior to the date aid is authorized.

ExampleExampleThe grandmother of a child receives CalWORKs for that child only. She has been working and is not needy. Her job stops and she has no income, so she calls the EW. The EW explains to her the option of being in the AU as a needy caretaker relative. The client decides that she wants CalWORKs for herself as well as for the grandchild, so she comes into the office, provides all necessary information, signs all the required forms and clears eligibility. Her beginning date of aid is the 1st of the month following the date she contacted the EW.

Adding the Sanctioned Person

Sanctioned Person

When adding a sanctioned person back into an AU, the cash aid is restored the first day of the month following the date that the individual successfully completes the program requirement.

CWES Sanctioned Person

When adding a CWES sanctioned person back into an AU, the cash aid is restored the first day of the  month following the date that the individual successfully completes the curing process. The EW will be notified by Employment Services (ES) via the "CalWORKs Sanction/Penalty Action" (SC 473) when the client has cured thier sanction and the SC 473 will indicate the "lift sanction" date.

Note: For CWES sanctions it is extremely IMPORTANT EWs take timely action on the SC 473.  Processing the request with a future positive action date in CDS makes the ES record available for ES staff to provide supportive services to our client.

Adding the Needs of the Penalized/Non-Cooperating Person

The penalized/non-cooperating person’s needs are added back into the AU the month following the date that person complies with the requirements which caused their needs to be excluded from the AU, or the date the person meets all eligibility conditions, whichever is later.

ExampleExampleMom is receiving CalWORKs for herself and her child (age 7). At her annual CalWORKs RD the EW becomes aware that the child is not attending school. The mother’s needs are removed from the AU. Several months later the school district provides verification that the child is now regularly attending school and has been for more than 40 consecutive days. The mother has no other source of income so the EW will add the mother’s needs back to the AU effective the 1st of the following month.

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