Requesting Information

The person being added to the AU must provide required information and meet all eligibility requirements. When the EW needs additional information/forms, a written request must be made.

The request for information should be done on the “Eligibility Verification Checklist” (SCD 1121) clearly stating what is required and the due date. The “Appointment Notice and Brief Message to Client” (SCD 50) can also be used as long as all the required information is given.

The client must be allowed 10 calendar days to provide the information. An adverse action cannot be taken unless the above has occurred.

Impact of Semi-Annual Reporting on AU Changes

Existing rules regarding who must be included in the AU, as outlined in MPP Section 82-820.3 remain unchanged under SAR rules. Under SAR, an AU is required to demonstrate that it is eligible only once each six-month payment period based upon the information reported in the SAR 7. The AU may voluntarily report changes in household composition during the six-month payment period, but the EW may only increase benefits mid-period, as a result of voluntarily reported household composition changes. A voluntary report of a change in household composition in a payment period, that would result in ineligibility of the AU or a decrease in benefits, cannot be processed until the corresponding SAR 7 is received.

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Adding Persons to the AU