Annual CalWORKs Redeterminations
A redetermination of all circumstances affecting the eligibility of the recipient shall be completed at least once every twelve (12) months. The annual CalWORKs RD requires a face-to-face or telephone interview with the parent or person responsible for the child or the person having responsibility for the care and control of the child.
Telephonic Signatures (TS)
For telephone interviews, the client has the option to provide a telephonic signature. A telephonic signature is a type of electronic signature using an individual’s recorded signature or verbal assent in place of an actual written signature and is considered legally enforceable.
The Telephonic Signature RD process eliminates the need to mail out the CalWORKs RD packets, which includes the SAWS 2 Plus form, for completion by the client prior to the telephone interview.
Note: If for technical reasons a TS cannot be captured, the EW can revert to Non-TS by sending the forms via DocuSign, explaining the Rights and Responsibilities (R&R) verbally, and adding a detailed case journal explaining the TS interview was unable to be completed due to technical reasons.
Redetermination Time Frames and Informing
Annual redeterminations may be made more frequently than normal if unexpected changes in income, property or other circumstances occur which affect the eligibility or grant level of the recipient.
At the time of application and at least once every twelve months thereafter, the county is responsible for giving applicants and recipients complete explanations in writing regarding:
- Eligibility Requirements
- Underpayments and overpayments
- Penalties due to an Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
- Their responsibility to report certain changes within ten calendar daty
- Time on Aid (TOA) information
The factors which are to be explained include changes in income, resources, needs and current TOA balances. Verbal explanations shall also be given and documented to assure understanding. The client shall signify his/her understanding of his/her responsibilities in writing or by telephonic signature.
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