Deprivation Status Changes and 100 Hour Rule

Deprivation Status Changes

When the U-parent becomes incapacitated, the deprivation must be changed to incapacitated. When the U-parent recovers and is still unemployed, the deprivation must be changed back to U-parent.

100 Hour Rule

[WIC 11201]

The 100 hour rule continues to apply to U-parent APPLICANT cases to establish unemployed parent deprivation. Refer to 100 Hour Rule for U-Parent Deprivation

The 100 hour rule does not apply to RECIPIENTS.

Change in Deprivation

Once an applicant case is found eligible and payment is made under the U-parent program, the family is no longer subject to the U-parent deprivation rule. Eligibility is then based on income, property and age, unless deprivation changes (example: U-parent to incapacity).

ExampleExampleU-parent family becomes eligible for CalWORKs on 4/2. On 4/30, the father finds full time employment at $8.50 an hour. His gross monthly income will be (160 hours x $8.50) $1360. The 100 hour rule does not apply and the family remains financially eligible. They will be eligible for the $550 and 50% disregards.  

ExampleExampleThe absent father returns home to a continuing CalWORKs family. He is determined to be the Principal Earner (PE) and is employed over 100 hours. He is considered to be an applicant and the 100 hour rule applies. The family becomes ineligible for CalWORKs at the end of the current QR Payment Quarter. There is no change in the 100 hour rule for applicants.  

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