Documenting the Unemployment of the Principal Earner

[WIC 11201]

Request for Information from Employer

A “Request for Information from Employer” (SC 549) is required from the applicant's current or previous employer to support a determination that deprivation is due to the unemployment of the child's parent(s).

The SC 549 is sent to the current employer for every principal earner at time of application, and to the previous employer if the principal earner has quit or lost his/her job within the last four weeks (28 calendar days).

  • Complete the SC 549 and image a copy into the case record.
  • Document in the Journal page with the date the SC 549 was sent.
  • Enclose a pre-addressed return envelope.
  • Enter the EW's District Number in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope.

In emergency situations, the SC 549 may be hand-carried to the employer by the applicant with follow-up telephone contact between the EW and the employer to verify that the statements are true and correct. Document in the Journal Detail page  the date the SC 549 was given to the applicant and the follow-up telephone contact with the employer.

Aid is not granted until the completed SC 549 has been returned, unless:

  • A letter approving or denying a current application for UI benefits has been viewed and documented on the SAWS 2, OR
  • The employer has been given 10 days in which to return the SC 549 but has failed to do so. The applicant's sworn statement on the "Statement of Facts for Cash Aid, CalFresh and Medi-Cal/CMSP " (SAWS 2) is acceptable evidence.

Document why the application was approved prior to the return of the SC 549 in the Journal Detail page.

The Social Services Program Manager (SSPM) may approve authorization of aid prior to the end of the 10 day waiting period when a hardship otherwise results and all evidence available indicates clear eligibility.

  • When eligibility is cleared by exception prior to the expiration of the 10 day waiting period, the case must remain with the Intake EW for the full 10 days to allow for the return of the SC 549 before the case is transferred to a Continuing EW.

Statement from Employment Development Department

A statement from the EDD will be accepted providing it indicates:

  • The date the applicant was referred to On the Job Training, Public Services Employment or JTPA Employment. (If the applicant is participating over 100 hours per four week period he/she is considered fully employed.) AND/OR
  • The amount of UIB received by the applicant for one year previous to the date of application and the amount if any, he/she is receiving on the date of application. (UIB abstract)

The Work Number

The Work Number employment verification system is an agency used by employers to provide employment and wage verification.

The Work Number employment verification may be used in the same manner as information provided by the employer. The Work Number may also be used when required to contact an employer for other income determinations such as:

  • Verification of the regularity of receipt
  • The gross or net earnings
  • Year-to-date earnings information.

EWs may contact the Work Number to verify recipient or applicant employment information, however, the Work Number should only be used as a secondary source of verification; the EW should first contact the recipient or applicant to request additional information or records. CWES staff may use The Work Number to verify compliance with Employment Services.

[Refer to Common Place Handbook for further details on how to access The Work Number]

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