AU Determination of Property

[EAS 42-205]

Members of the CalWORKs AU

The members of the CalWORKs AU are:

  • The child(ren), and
  • The natural or adoptive parents, and
  • Eligible stepparents and needy caretaker relatives when applying for themselves.

Include the property of all the AU members in the property limit, unless the property is exempt.

Mandatory AU Members Who Are Excluded

Include the property of the following excluded persons and non-AU members in the property reserve, unless the property is exempt:

  • Ineligible alien parents
  • SSN disqualified AU members
  • Unborn child’s father (AU of 1)
  • Spouse of an aided child
  • Sanctioned person.

Non-AU Members

Do not count the property of the following non-AU members, unless the property is jointly owned with AU members:

  • Excluded stepparents
  • Senior parents.

SSI/SSP or CAPI Recipient

Do not count the property of SSI/SSP or CAPI recipients.

Related Topics

Property Limit

Availability and Inaccessibility

Inaccessible Property


Conversion of Property

Transfer of Property