Property Limit

[EAS 42-207.2 and 63-1101]

Effective January 1, 2025, the maximum allowable nonexempt property limit for personal and real property combined for both applicants and recipients is:

  • $18,206 for an AU with a member who is 60 years old or older, or disabled.
  • $12,137 for all other AUs.

Refer to Personal Property/Resources and Real Property for a complete discussion of the various types of property.

Applicant Requirement

Determine the value of a new applicant’s property as of the date of application. An AU whose property exceeds the limit on the date of the application must be denied unless that AU reduced their property to an amount below the CalWORKs property limit in reasonable time. The AU is property eligible for CalWORKs from the date its property is below the limit.

Important: Current property limits must be used. The examples below may not reflect current values.

Example Example An AU applies for CalWORKs on March 3. The applicant is interviewed on March 10. At that time, the AU has property totaling $10,200. No one in the AU is disabled or 60 years or older. The AU expects to pay $300 in bills on March 15. This will reduce the total property to $9,900, which is below the $10,211 limit. The AU must verify the reduced value of the property. Since all other eligibility requirements are met, the AU is eligible for CalWORKs as of March 15. 

Example Example An AU applies for CalWORKs on March 25 and is interviewed on April 3. The AU had property totaling $11,500 on March 25, but after paying rent and other bills at the end of the month, has only $9,500 left on April 3 (the day of the interview). The AU does not have anyone disabled or 60 years or older. Deny the March benefit and since all other eligibility requirements are met, approve as of April 1 (the first day the AU became eligible). 

Recipient Requirement

Determine the value of a recipient’s property as of the first day of the month.

Example Example During the current SAR payment period, an AU receives a lump sum Social Security payment that results in excess property. If the AU’s property is expected to be at or below the limit on the 1st day of the next SAR payment period, the AU remains CalWORKs eligible. If the AU’s property is expected to be over the limit on the 1st day of the next SAR payment period, CalWORKs must be discontinued effective the last day of the current SAR payment period and sent an adequate and timely NOA. If the AU reduces its property, to or below the limit, by the last day of the current SAR payment period, restore the case. If the AU reduces its property, to or below the limit, in next SAR payment period, have the AU reapply. 

Related Topics

AU Determination of Property

Availability and Inaccessibility

Inaccessible Property


Conversion of Property

Transfer of Property