Clients Who Move Out-of-State

CalWORKs clients who move from California and intend to make their home in the new state, must have their CalWORKs from California discontinued immediately.

Notification to Apply in Another State

The EW must send written notification to any client who lives out of state to immediately apply for aid in that state unless the intent to return to California is clearly established. If the intent is to return to California, an application does not need to be made in the other state. The EW shall follow the procedures. Refer to “Out-of-State Aid Applicants or Recipients [EAS 42-407-42-424] below.

Application by Clients in Other States

When the client notifies the EW that an application for public assistance is being made in another state, the EW must contact that state to coordinate the discontinuance of aid from California and the granting of aid by the other state. Aid shall not be continued by California beyond the end of the month in which the client applies for aid in the other state. (W&I Section 11103.)

Out-of-State Aid Applicants or Recipients

[EAS 42-407-42-424]

The EW must make monthly inquiries of all clients who are absent from this state to determine their intent to remain residents of California or to become residents of another state.

When an AU reports being out of the state, he/she must cooperate with the county by providing monthly written statements explaining the reason for the absence, their intent to return, and the date of return. A mid-period status report (SAR 3) shall be mailed to the client when it is learned that an AU has been or intends to be continuously absent from the state for 30 days or longer.

If it is determined that the AU will be temporarily absent from the State, EWs must use the following steps to determine whether or not the AU will return within the 30 day time limit:

If The Client... Then...
  • Intends to return within 30 days
  • Document the situation in the Journal Detail page.
  • Follow up with the client the following month to ensure there are no changes in the situation.
  • Does not intend to return within 30 days, and
  • Does not meet any of the exceptions to the temporary absence rule,
  • Discontinue the case or client (depending on the situation) with a timely NOA.
  • Does not intend to return within 30 days, and
  • Meets one of the exceptions to the temporary absence rule.
  • Provide the client with a "New Residence Requirements Questionnaire" (SCD 730), which is to be completed and returned during each month of the absence.
  • Follow up with the client on a monthly basis to determine continuing eligibility.

Temporary Absence Exceptions

A member of the CalWORKs AU may be exempt from the temporary absence requirement if they meet the one of the following exceptions:

  • Hospitalization,
  • Employment,
  • Attending Educational or Vocational Training School,
  • Child with Special Needs,
  • Child in a Group Home, or
  • Disaster.

Refer to Temporary Absence [EAS 82-812; 82-812.6] for a detailed description on temporary absence exceptions.

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