
Whereabouts Unknown/Undeliverable Mail

When whereabouts of the AU are unknown, the EW must attempt to reach the AU to resolve the conflicting information. If mail has been returned as “undeliverable” or “addressee unknown” and the client submits a SAR 7 without reporting a change of address, the EW must send a notice of incomplete SAR 7 form. After this notice, and the documented Balderas, the EW shall discontinue cash aid at the end of the reporting period.

Mid-quarter action can be taken to terminate aid when mail has been returned as “undeliverable” or “addressee unknown” if it is determined after notice and the documented Balderas attempt at personal contact that the client has moved out of California. If it is determined after notice and the documented Balderas attempt at personal contact that the client has moved to another county, an ICT should be initiated. If the EW is unable to contact the client to verify whereabouts, then deny or discontinue cash aid by the end of the month in which contact is attempted. A 10-day NOA is not required.

If the client... Then...
States that they do not intend to return to California or fails to respond to request for verification of residency, That person's (or family's) aid must be terminated immediately.
Is prevented by illness or another good reason from returning at the end of 60 days, and has not by act or intent established residence elsewhere, That person (or family) does not lose their residency and aid may be continued.

Loss of residency is presumed after 60 days unless the client has provided evidence to the contrary. The client's signed statement on the “New Residence Requirements Questionnaire” (SCD 730) is acceptable evidence in the absence of conflicting information.

Address Out of the United States

Should the client leave the United States, their case must be discontinued. The client must reapply when they return to the United States.

Using a Mailing Address

A client may choose to use another person's address as their mailing address, especially if there have been problems with the receipt of mail or if the client is homeless. If a client indicates to the EW that they wish to use a mailing address, the EW shall:

  1. Document the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS, explaining why the client wishes to use the mailing address.
  2. Explain to the client that:
    1. They must provide residency verification (i.e., rent receipt) with each semi-annual report (SAR 7), and
    2. If they fail to provide the residency verification, their case may be discontinued for failure to provide essential information.
  3. Change the address online.
    1. Note: In this situation, it is not necessary to have the “Social Services Mail Request/Agreement” (SCD 1483) completed.

Use of P.O. Box as Mailing Address

If the client wishes to use a Post Office box as a mailing address, the EW must enter the residence address in the Home Address field and enter the P.O. Box information in the Mailing Address field of CalSAWS.

Use of Other Mailing Address

If the client wishes to use the address of a relative or friend to receive their mail, the EW must enter the residence address in the Home Address field.

SCD 1483

If the client has no mailing address and must choose a District Office address, the “Social Services Mail Request Agreement” (SCD 1483) must be completed.

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