Minor Parent Budgeting

Minor Parent Lives In Adult-Supervised Situation or Meets an Exception

[EAS 89-201.64]

Use regular CalWORKs budgeting if the minor parent:

  • Lives in an appropriate adult-supervised living arrangement other than with her parent(s) (i.e. with legal guardian, another adult relative, a state licensed adult-supervised home).
  • Meets one of the exceptions to the minor parent residence requirement.

Example Example A minor mother and her child are living with her maternal grandmother. The minor mother has no income. The minor mother’s grant for January 2007 is $584 per month (an "Non-Exempt" AU of 2). 

Example Example A minor mother and her child are living independently, as the senior parents have refused to allow her to return to their home. The minor mother’s grant for January 2007 is $584 per month (an "Non-Exempt" AU of 2).   

MAP Level Determination

The determination that the AU’s MAP level should be "Exempt" or "Non-Exempt" is based upon whether the parent/caretaker of the aided child meets the "Exempt" criteria. If the minor parent is the only caretaker relative in the AU, whether included or excluded from the AU, only the minor parent must meet the "Exempt" criteria to receive the higher MAP level. If both the senior parent and the minor parent are included in the AU, then both the senior parent and the minor parent must meet the "Exempt" criteria in order to receive the higher MAP level. Refer to MAP Levels

Reminder: As of January 1, 1998, the "Exempt" MAP criteria no longer includes teen parents under the age of 19, who are enrolled in program which leads to a high school diploma.

Beginning Date of Aid

The beginning date of aid for minor parent AUs follows existing beginning date of aid rules. Refer to Beginning Date of Aid


A minor parent applies for CalWORKs on July 2nd. At the Intake interview, the client alleges that a health and safety factor prevents her from living with her parents. On July 18th, the CPS SW determines that the minor can and should return to her parent’s home. The minor parent returns to the senior parent’s home on July 29th.

Since the minor met all eligibility criteria prior to authorization of aid by moving back home, the beginning date of aid is July 2nd, the application date. If the minor parent’s application had been denied prior to her return to her parent’s home, the minor could provide verification that she moved into an acceptable adult-supervised living arrangement within 30 days of the denial notice and the denial should be rescinded. The beginning date of aid would be the application date.

Related Topics

Definitions of Terms 

Minor Parent Residence Requirement

Senior Parent/Minor Parent Budgeting

Other Concerns