MAP Levels

The correct MAP for each AU is determined based upon the ability of the parent(s) and/or caretaker relative in the home to accept employment and take advantage of the work incentives for their AU.

There are two MAP levels:

  • the higher level for an “Exempt” AU, and
  • a lower MAP level for a “Non-exempt” AU.


The counties in California have been divided into two regions, based upon the lowest quartile rents as reported in the 1990 Census. Region 1 Counties have a higher MAP and MBSAC than do Region 2 Counties.

Santa Clara County is a Region 1 county and therefore uses the higher MAP and MBSAC levels. [Refer to  Chart Book, CalWORKs and RCA/ECA Charts Employable and Unemployable AU Chart]

Exempt/Non-Exempt AUs

[EAS 89-110.2]

Exempt AUs

An AU meets the “Exempt” criteria when each and every parent (including any minor parents), aided stepparent, and/or aided caretaker relative living in the home with an aided child is disabled and receiving benefits from:

  • Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payments (SSI/SSP), or
  • In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), or
  • State Disability Benefits (SDI), or
  • Temporary Workers Compensation (TWC), or
  • Temporary Disability Indemnity (TDI).

Reminder: If the AU contains both a minor parent and a senior parent, both individuals must meet the above criteria in order for the AU to be determined as “Exempt”.

Non-needy Caretaker

An AU is eligible to receive the “Exempt” MAP when the non-needy caretaker relative is not included in the AU.

AUs Without Aided Children

The “Exempt” determination also applies to AUs without aided children when:

  • The AU consists of parent(s) and/or caretaker relatives who meet the above criteria AND are receiving aid because they are caring for an unaided excluded child (i.e. SSI/SSP child or a Employment Services sanctioned child).
  • The AU consists of the caretaker relative of a Foster Care child and the caretaker meets the above criteria.
  • The AU consists of the relative caregiver who is the court-appointed legal guardian of a Kin-GAP child and the caregiver meets the above criteria.
  • A pregnant woman only AU of One, when she meets the above criteria.
  • A Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) AU, when the aided individuals meet the above criteria.

Non-Exempt AUs

If each parent living in the home and/or the aided caretaker relative does not meet the criteria for the AU to be determined “Exempt”, the AU is a “Non-Exempt” AU.

MAP Level Case Concerns

[EAS 89-110.2]

Status Change

The EW ensures that CalSAWS determines the correct status of “Non-Exempt” or “Exempt”:

  • At initial application (Intake).
  • At the RD.
  • When the SAR 7 is processed and there is a change reported which would affect the AU’s status.
  • When a request is received to add a person to an AU.
  • When the parent or caretaker relative requests a review or reports a possible change of status.

EW Action

When a client requests consideration for “Exempt” status, the EW must:

  • Issue the "CalWORKs Exemption Request Form" (CW 2186A).
  • Request verification of the criteria which makes the client “Exempt,” allowing the individual a minimum of 10 working days to provide the required information. If the recipient does not cooperate in providing the requested verification, the request for “Exempt” status must be denied.
  • Either approve or deny the request for the “Exempt” determination, once the verification is provided.
    • The EW has 15 calendar days from the date all information is received to make a decision on the request and send the appropriate NOA.
  • Determine if the change to exempt status results in an increase to the grant.
    • If the change results in an increase, the status MUST be changed effective the month it is reported.
    • If the change results in a decrease, the status will NOT be changed mid-period. A timely NOA must be sent to decrease the grant based on the new status effective the 1st day of the next payment period.

Refer to Exemption Request.

Note: When the AU is entitled to the higher MAP level based upon the receipt of specific types of income or by being a non-needy non-parent caretaker, the EW must use the higher MAP level in the grant computation. The recipient does not need to make a specific request for the “Exempt” MAP.

Effective Date

An AU is determined “Exempt” if that AU meets the appropriate criteria and is eligible for CalWORKs during any part of the payment period. However, the effective date cannot precede the month of request or discovery.

Example Example A “Non-Exempt” AU consists of a father and his child. Their Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) Cycle is Aug/Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan. The father begins receiving SDI in August and submits a "Mid-Period Form" (SAR 3) on September 6th. The EW fails to take appropriate action and the AU continues to receive the lower “Non-Exempt” MAP level. In January, an RRR is completed and at that time the EW discovers the mistake. Since the AU’s “Exempt” status is based upon information known to the EW, rather than the recipient’s request, the EW must process the case based upon the actual report of income. The “Non-Exempt” MAP status must be changed to "Exempt" effective September (month in which change is reported) if the change results in an increase in grant. If the change results in a decrease, the "Exempt" status is effective February (1st day of the next payment period). The budgets are recomputed to determine if there are overpayments or underpayments. Any supplements the AU may be eligible for must be issued.

Example Example A “Non-Exempt” AU consists of a mother and her two children. She starts to receive Private Disability Insurance (PDI) benefits based on her disability. She does not report this on her SAR 7 or otherwise request a review of her status. On November 20th, during the annual RRR, the recipient informs the EW that she is disabled and received her first PDI benefits on July 1st. Since the first month of “Exempt” status cannot precede the month in which the AU requested review, the first month of status change would be November.


Use the “Non-Exempt” or “Exempt” MAP, as appropriate.

If the AU’s status...


Is “Exempt” for any month of the payment period and they report the change in status in the same month, and the grant will INCREASE,

The AU is eligible for the higher MAP (the “Exempt” MAP) in that month and future months if the status continues.

Is "Exempt" for any month of a payment period and they report the change in status in the same month, and the grant will DECREASE,

Do NOT change status until the future payment period.

Changes to "Non-Exempt" during a payment period,

The AU’s MAP status must be adjusted for the future payment period.

Semi-Annual Determination

Eligibility for the appropriate MAP is a semi-annual determination. The MAP amount is not prorated based upon the date an AU’s status changes.

Example Example A “Non-Exempt” AU with a SAR Cycle of Apr/May/June/July/Aug/Sept submits a SAR 3 on June 13th indicating they are now receiving SDI. A budget calculation by the EW determines their SDI income combined with their new "Exempt" status results in a decrease in the CAlWORKs grant. The EW will send the client a "No Change" NOA and remind the client to report the change on their August SAR 7 in September. In June, the EW will make the appropriate budget entries, change the "Non-Exempt" MAP status to "Exempt" and send a timely 10-day NOA for the next payment period.

Related Topics

Financial Eligibility Determination

Applicant Gross Income Test

Recipient Net Income Test

Income Reporting Threshold (IRT)

Examples of MAP Status

Federal Financial Participation

State-Only Payments