State Disability Insurance Benefits

SDI paid to eligible persons under the Unemployment Insurance Code. These benefits are for persons who meet the applicable disability criteria. They are also referred to as Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB).

Unconditional Income

If an applicant appears to be eligible for SDI, an application for these benefits must be made. If the customer refuses or fails to do so, then there is no eligibility for that person.

Retroactive Payments

If the AU receives SDI for a retroactive period it is considered property for the month received and the subsequent months.

Note: If the AU receives a lump sum payment in excess of the property limit during the SAR cycle, the AU remains eligible for the entire SAR Payment Period in accordance with the SAR rules.

Payment Cycle

The normal payment for SDI is biweekly. The customer must report the check on the date it is received.

Other Disability Payments

When an AU is receiving a disability benefit from a source other than the State Disability division, it is to be considered unearned income, unless it meets one of the other four categories.

Undocumented Persons

Undocumented persons are not eligible for disability benefits and shall not be instructed to apply for SDI. However, if an undocumented person has applied for and is receiving SDI, use the regular CalWORKs budgeting process.

Further Information

Refer to Common-Place Handbook, Disability Insurance (DI) for the verification procedures and the benefit amounts.


A customer who is discontinued from CalWORKs, solely due to the receipt of disability based income, is not eligible for TMC as it is not income from increased earnings. Eligibility for other Medi-Cal programs must be explored.

Related Topics

Disability Based Income

Private Disability Insurance

Temporary Worker's Compensation and Temporary Disability Indemnity

Social Security Disability Insurance

Veteran's Disability Compensation (VDC) Benefits