Veteran's Disability Compensation (VDC) Benefits

The Veterans Administration (VA) has many types of VDC benefits. The main benefit is Disability Compensation. There are some additional, special categories of supplemental VDC payment that veterans and their spouse, children, or parents may be entitled to receive depending on several different factors. Some of these additional types of VDC benefits include, but are not limited to Special Monthly Compensation and Individual Unemployability benefits. In addition to the VDC benefits paid to veterans injured as a result of their active duty status, there is another benefit type called the Title 38 U.S.C. 1151 Claim. This compensation is paid to veterans who were injured while receiving care from the VA or while in VA rehabilitation programs.

Example Example A veteran pursuing training under the VA’s Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program was receiving on-the-job training as a car mechanic. During training, a jack slipped from a car, crushing the veteran’s left foot. Disability compensation may be paid for the foot injury because the injury occurred while the veteran was pursuing training under a VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program. 

Regardless of the type of VDC benefit being paid or to whom it’s being paid, counties must apply the Income Disregard if the payment is based on the veteran’s disability.

Unconditional Income

If an applicant appears to be eligible for VDC, an application for these benefits must be made. If the customer refuses or fails to do so, then there is no eligibility for that person.

Retroactive Payments

If the AU receives VDC for a retroactive period it is considered property for the month received and the subsequent months.

Note: If the AU receives a lump sum payment in excess of the property limit during the SAR cycle, the AU remains eligible for the entire SAR Payment Period in accordance with the SAR rules.

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