
Self-employment is working for oneself with direct control over the work and services undertaken or provided.

Generally, the self-employed individual would pay his/her own Social Security and income taxes and would not be covered by Workers Compensation (including Day Care providers).

Exception: An insurance and real estate salesperson is not considered self-employed, since they work only under a broker. A broker could be considered self-employed.

Refer to Chewable Byte 24-111: How to Complete Employment Detail Page for CalSAWS entries.


Actions taken on these cases must be clearly documented and all necessary forms completed. It is important that the EW provide sufficient documentation to allow another person to clearly understand the actions taken and the reason to support those actions. Often these cases require that the EW exercise considerable independent judgment concerning the income, expenses and/or resources of these persons.

Related Topics


Determination of Self-Employment

Examples of Self-Employment Determinations

Property and Resource Determination

Income Determination

Business Expenses

Nonallowable Business Expenses

Calculating Net Self-Employment Income