CalWORKs Employment Services Program

It is the intent of the CWES Program to provide employment and training services as needed to all adult CalWORKs recipients in order for them to reach self-sufficiency.

CalWORKs Employment Services Participation Requirements and Exemption Policy

[EAS 42-711]

Santa Clara County is committed to meeting the Federal WPR and assisting CalWORKs clients in becoming self-sufficient. In order to aid in these efforts, EWs and CWES Workers must make every effort to encourage exempt clients to volunteer and take advantage of the many services that CWES offers.

An individual may not be required to participate in a welfare-to-work activity if they qualify for an exemption. The EW determines whether or not an individual is exempt from CWES registration.

The CWES Worker may request that the EW review for an exemption when information is disclosed that suggests the individual may meet one of the exemption criteria.

The EW must determine whether an individual is:

  • Required to participate in WTW activities,
  • Required to participate in Cal-Learn, or
  • Exempt from participation.

All persons must either be participating in or exempt from WTW activities. To determine where an individual must be referred, use the following chart:

Status of Individual Refer To...
All eligible CalWORKs recipients, unless exempt. CWES
The Principal Earner (PE) who is ineligible only because he/she has not been unemployed for four weeks (28 calendar days). CWES
An essential person who must participate in order to be included in the AU. CWES
A teen parent, defined as a pregnant or custodial teen parent under the age of 19 (or 20, if appropriate) who has not received a high school diploma or the equivalent (regardless of whether this teen parent is considered a child or an adult in the AU). The Cal-Learn Program is described in complete detail in the Cal-Learn topic. Cal-Learn

A client can request an exemption at any time by the following means:

  • A “Semi-Annual Report” (SAR 7),
  • A “Mid-Period Status Report” (SAR 3),
  • A “Statement of Facts for Cash Aid and CalFresh” (SAWS 2),
  • A “CalWORKs Exemption Request Form” (CW 2186A), or
  • A verbal request (which must be documented by the worker).

Reminder: The “CalWORKs Exemption Determination” (CW 2186B) MUST be sent in all instances that a client requests an exemption, whether the exemption is approved or denied.


A volunteer is a CalWORKs recipient who is exempt from CWES registration, but who volunteers to participate.

Exemption Review Date

The month and year the exemption expires MUST be verified and documented. When the exemption expires, the client must provide a new verification for any new exemptions or another verification if the exemption still applies. If the client is no longer exempt from CWES participation, the EW will register the client with Employment Services.

Related Topics

Exemption Based on Age

Exemption Based on Disability

Exemption Based on Domestic Abuse

Exemption Based on Needy Nonparent Relative

Exemption Based on Pregnancy

Exemption Based on School Attendance

Exemption Based on the Need to Care for an Ill or Incapacitated Person Residing in the Home

Exemptions for Care of Child